Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19


He ended up staying. He held my hand as I drifted off to sleep because of the stupid sleeping pills.


As I regained consciousness, Cody was talking to me. I didn't dare open my eyes. His voice was barely above a whisper but I heard everything he said. His hand was still in mine.

"I feel like a complete idiot Ev. Chances are you won't hear this but there's like a 1% chance that you do hear this. I love you. I really do. I'm sorry I blamed you for cheating on me when really it was nothing. And I know I've said it before but I just feel that maybe sorry isn't going to cut it this time. I hope you wake up soon. I want to tell you I love you when you can actually hear me. Ev I have a big question to ask. Well would you come on my tour with me? It's only two weeks and it's only around Australia."

A tear escaped my closed eyelids and rolled down my cheeks. "Oh no, you can hear me and I made you cry I'm so sorry... I hate seeing pretty girls cry." My lips curled up into a small smile. I squeezed his hand. "I love you Cody." I opened my eyes. His face was one of pure shock. 

"You heard all that?" 

"You bet."

He smiled. "Does this mean..."

I sighed. The boy sure wanted me back it seemed. "Not yet Codes." 

"Why Ev? I told you I loved you, I apologized, and I've stayed with you this whole time..." 

"Cody look at me. And I mean really look at me. I want you, too. I really do. But I just want time." 

He frowned. "Okay…"

"Hey did someone tell you when I'm being released from here?"

"Yeah, today supposedly; when your parents get back, I guess."

"Oh." We waited a while and then my parents finally came. My parents told me they were never leaving the house again if I didn't take care of myself. I sighed. It wasn't a big deal.

I texted Christophe. "Wanna come surfing?"

"Sure, be there in 15. (:"

I smiled and put my bathing suit on. I walked outside and waited for Christophe.

I saw Sierra walk up the stairs to Alli's. I waved and she grinned. Someone opened the door and she went inside.

I saw Christophe walking up the sidewalk. I ran and gave him a hug. As we walked up the small path to the beach, I saw Cody walk out with Sierra. They didn't notice me. My heart ached. Was he honestly going on a date with one of my best friends when he told me he loved me? Nice to know.

Christophe was actually a great surfer. We surfed, played volleyball and made sandcastles. "Aaahh!" I yelled running back to the house. Christophe was all wet and was trying to hug me. I was nice and dry and warm. No way was he getting a hug. I tripped and fell onto the hot sand. Before I could get up, Christophe had his arms around me and we were wrestling in the sand. I smacked his shoulder. "Chris you're cold! Get off me!" I started laughing and fighting against him. "No!" He hugged me harder. We rolled around in the sand knocking over one of our sandcastles. "Oh no! That's the one where Princess Sally lived!" He looked at me like I was crazy. I struggled against him. No luck. Hmm... Maybe this'll work. I kissed him on the lips. His arms went slack around my waist and I rolled away. I could feel the sand in my hair. I sat up trying to brush the wet sand off me. Christophe sat up, his cheeks all red. "Why did you kiss me?" I blushed. Okay so maybe I shouldn't have done that. And okay so maybe I enjoyed that. I looked at him. "I dunno… I was just trying to-"

"Ever, I'm crazy about you. Please don't ever do that if you're not going to mean it." But I did want it mean something. I leaned in closer to him.

"No Ever. Just don't. Please." I sighed.

Why did he look so gorgeous and gentlemanly all of sudden. Stupid hormones. He raked his hand across his head. His golden brown hair stood up in different directions.

I looked down at the ground. "You like me?"

He placed his hand under my chin and made me look up at him. "Yes Ev. I mean who wouldn't?"

I smiled slightly. "Since when?"

"Since I saw you at Vanessa's. I don't even know how. All of sudden you're the only thing I think about."

I felt my cheeks warm up. His gray eyes glinted in the sunlight. I could smell the salty water on his skin. I shook my head. No, no, no. Chris smiled slightly. I got up and took my surfboard.

"Thanks for an awesome afternoon Chris."

"My pleasure Ev."

We walked back to the house and took turns using the outdoor shower. I put my romper/cover-up on over my wet bathing suit and walked him to the front. I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. "I'll text you later kay?" I whispered.

"Okay." He smiled and with his surfboard under his arm, he started walking back to his house.

I sat down on the front steps. I put my head in my hands and started crying.

Tom came up to me and gave me a hug. "Evvvvvv. Why are you crying?"

I smiled and looked up at Tom. He was going to be very handsome when he got older. Alli was walking down the driveway to us.

I gave Tom a hug. "I dunno Tommy,” I said sighing. “Just because, I guess.”

He sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder.

"Seriously, you two should go out. You two would be absolutely adorable!" I started laughing. Only Alli would try setting me up with her little brother. Alli sat on my other side and took my hand in hers. "Now, I'm doctor Philipa. You can tell me anything."

And so I did. I told her about what Cody was doing this morning. I told her about my date with Chris this afternoon. I told her how I saw Cody and Sierra go out. I told her how I was confused about my feelings for Cody and Chris. She was honestly the best therapist ever. She didn't say anything.

When I was finally finished, Tom had gone inside to play with Gab. It was just Alli and I.

She gave me a huge hug and told me, "Honestly, Cody can be a jerk sometimes. He's over protective, gets jealous and hates seeing the girl he likes with another guy. But hey, that's Codes, and personally, I think you two are meant for each other. Relationships take time. So, just chill out. Things will get better. As for Chris, if he likes you, he'll want what's best for you. And for me? Well I'm here for you no matter what Ev."

I smiled with tears welling up in my eyes. "I love you so much Al."

"Aww, I love you too boo!"

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