Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23


He grinned as if he had been expecting it. "At least if you two get married, we can be brother in-laws." He clapped me on the back and we walked inside.


Evers POV:

Jake, Alli, Cody and I sat on the couch.

Jake flipped through the channels with his arm around Alli. Gosh, they were so cute. Alli was half asleep, her eyelids fluttering. Jake stopped on an old movie and finally, Alli and Jake fell asleep half way through.

I looked up at Cody. "What do you want to do now?"

He kissed my forehead. "Let's go up to my room. We can talk up there without waking hose two lovebirds up."

I laughed and unfolded my legs from under me. "Ouch." I gasped. My legs were asleep. That had to be the worst feeling in the world.

Cody looked at me. "Ev, you okay?"

"Yeah. My legs are asleep. That's all."

He came closer and scooped me up into his arms. I put my arms around his shoulders and rested my head on his chest. "There, that should be better." He said smiling.

I kissed his cheek. "You're such a gentleman."

"And you're such a lady." I giggled.

We got up to his room and he placed me on his bed. "Do you want a pair of shorts or something? I can get you Alli's…"

I smiled. "These shorts are comfortable. Can you just give me one of your shirts?"

He tossed me his OBEY sweatshirt.

"Imma go change, brb." I skipped to his washroom. I pulled off the tank style blouse and pulled the sweatshirt over my head. Cody was on his bed in his pajama pants and a faded blue shirt. He had his iPhone in his hand frowning.

"What's wrong?" I asked crawling into the bed next to him.

"Just reading my twitter feed... I don't think our fans approve of our dating. I don't think they realize we've been best friends forever, that we live next to each other and were practically brother and sister." I sighed.

My fans never agreed with anything in my personal life. Honestly, sometimes I wish I never had a twitter, a Facebook, or an instagram. All that social media stuff is like horrible. And sometimes I wish I wasn't some almost famous teen.

Cody shut the phone and put it on his bed side table. He had his face in my neck. "You're sleeping here with me tonight. You look like too perfect in that sweatshirt."

I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I wanted to stay in that moment forever.

He pulled away. "I don't know how you do it. You make me crazy every time you kiss me babe."

I blushed and close my eyes. "Codsta, I'm tired... I'm going to sleep now okay?"

"Okay gorgeous. Sweet dreams." He brushed my hair off my forehead and kissed my nose.

Cody's POV:

That night, I had the worst dream. We were coming to Australia, with Evers family. Evers family left, but since Ever had an end of term exam, she had stayed behind. My family left on the flight just before the Abbott's. Ever was coming home alone. I had offered to go with her. She said no. Ever and her excuses. Anyways, I don't remember the whole dream, but the plane crashed and Ever died. She survived, but she died a few weeks after the crash because of her injuries. Then the dream fast forwarded to the funeral and she was all pale and lifeless.

I swear when that part of the dream came, I woke up and checked if she was breathing.

She was awake looking at me. "Cody… Are you okay? You kept whimpering, 'No please don't die. Don't die.' What were you dreaming about?"

I was so relieved it was only a dream. It all seemed so real, as though I was actually seeing what was going to happen. I took her beautiful face into my hands. "Promise me that you'll never fly alone. Ever."

She looked at me confused. "Um okay?"

"No promise me."

"I promise. But why are you making me promise you this? I've flown alone before…"

"Because, in my dream, nightmare actually, you died. And you were in a plane. And it crashed when it landed and you were alone with a bunch of strangers on that flight."

With the pale sunlight streaming through the blinds, I saw the color leave her face. "I dreamt about you dying too Codes."

I felt a tear drop onto my cheek. We looked at each other for another second. If I ever had to lose Ever, forever, I'd might as well die.

I brought her face up to mine and kissed her.

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