Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter 22


Allis Pov

I looked up at Jake. "I'm gonna miss you Jakey." 

He stopped and pulled me into a hug. I heard his heart beating quickly. "Imma miss you too Als."


Jake's POV:

Alli looked gorgeous, as usual. I couldn't believe it. My grom and his sister were leaving. What the hell was that about? Just when I start to like Alli, she has to leave. I sighed. "So, watcha wanna do?" I asked shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Hmm... Wanna go get ice cream?"

Omigosh how did she read my mind. I actually wanted ice cream. "Oh no. Never mind... I forgot my money at home, we can go next time." She offered a small smile. Did she honestly think I wasn't going to pay for her?

"Als, no. We're going to have ice cream. I'm paying. Seriously, my mum taught me to treat girl’s right."

She laughed and squeezed my hand. "Alright, thanks Jakey." bfkdnksndksnfialfbakjdosn. Her voice, her laugh.

"Alli. Why are you so perfect?" I looked at her.

Her cheeks turned pink. "I'm not perfect Jake. There are girls ten times prettier than me."

I chuckled. "You have no idea how pretty you are. Any guy would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend. Actually, I'm disappointed that I haven't had the privilege just yet. Gotta ask Codsta bout that."

She smiled slightly. "Who do you like?"

"Is it not obvious enough?"

She laughed, let go of my hand and walked in front of me. She turned around to face me. "No it isn't."

I grinned. Now or never, I thought. Might as well tell her I like her. "I like you Alli."

She grinned. Her blue eyes twinkled and she blushed again. Once again, fheosispandialsfeuqbx. "Good, because I like you too."

I felt my cheeks grow warmer. At least we were on the same page.

The sidewalk ended and she tripped. Before she could fall, I put my arm on her back. And so there we were. In what you would call a dip in dancing. My face hovered just inches above hers. I was so very tempted to kiss her. Then I thought about Cody. What would he think if he found out?

Alli interrupted my thoughts. "Jake, screw Cody. Just kiss me." Yes. She could definitely read my mind. She took my face in both of her hands and placed her lips on mine.

It was a bit of a shock. I mean I was kissing my best friends little sister. And Cody and I were Cake. Our bromance that wasn't exactly a secret. He was going to find out. I knew it.

Alli's kisses were making my mind go all fuzzy. I kissed her back. I slowly pulled her up so we were standing again. She pulled away and shyly smiled. "Jake Thrupp, you are an amazing kisser."

"Oh I know, but you're better." I took her hand into mine and we walked the last block to the old fashioned diner like ice cream parlor.

Inside, there were people dancing and the waitress’s roller skated to tables to bring people their ice cream. We found two stools at the counter and sat down. Alli ordered a caramel ice cream shake and I ordered a banana split with extra whip cream. Alli shook her head as she saw my ice cream bowl overflowing. "Kay, one there has to be over a million calories in that and, two, you are so going to get sick Jake!"

I laughed. "Alli, I'm a guy, we don't care about calories. And I've never been sick a day in my life."

"Okaaay, just don't expect me to feel sorry when you're puking your guts up tomorrow." She said smiling.

She sipped on her shake as I tried finished my banana split. When I gave up halfway through the bowl, she gave me a 'told ya so' look.

We walked to the dance floor where some teenagers were doing some sort of dance. We tried to follow along but then we gave up. I ran over to the counter, paid the bill and then found Alli so we could leave.

She looked at the Coca-Cola clock on the wall. "Jake I have like 15 minutes to get home." It was only 9:45? I looked at her questioningly. She mouthed "Mom" and I nodded.

We walked home talking the whole way. As we walked up the stairs, Ever and Cody were going in too.

I let Alli and Ever walk in first but stopped Cody. "Brah, I gotta ask you some serious shit."

He looked at me weirdly. "Yeah go ahead what's up?" He leaned against the railing and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Is it okay if I ask Alli out? I really like your little sister."

He grinned as if he had been expecting it. "At least if you two get married, we can be brother in-laws." He clapped me on the back and we walked inside.

*Just thought I'd throw in a Jalli chapter;) &I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for reading this story. I hope you are all liking it! Please vote, comment, and tell your friends:) Even fan me! haha:) If i get a good response again I'll update tomorrow:) xx love you all!<3***

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