Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter 27


Then everything went black.


Evers POV:

His eyes closed and we fell to the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes. If he was joking and he thought this was funny, it really wasn't.

I got off him and took his face into my hands. "Cody? Codes? This isn't funny wake up." I placed my finger to his throat and looked for a pulse. It was there. I sighed. Okay good.

Jake and Alli were pushing their way through the crowd. Alli saw Cody and started crying. Jake ran to get water. "Ev, just back away, it's happened before, I need to just like dump the water on him. Trust me, it'll wake him up." Jake said. I moved away. Jake took the bowl of ocean water and threw it on Cody. Cody jerked, his eyes opened and he started coughing. He sat up slowly.

"Cody!" I dropped to my knees and threw my arms around him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You like passed out."

He looked at Jake. "Brah, again?"

Jake frowned. "Yeah, again."

I helped Cody up. He walked over to one of the camping chairs. We sat down. He told me to sit on him. I frown/smiled at him. He brought my face to his and kissed me gently. My fingers traced his collar bone. His hands went under my shirt and rested on my hips. I shivered slightly. His hands were soft but cold.

Everyone was starting to pack up. Our friends left along with everyone else. Alli and Jake were laying down on the blankets, holding hands and looking at the stars. I was snuggled up against Cody, his arms around me. I was really tired. I slightly tugged on his shirt and looked up at him. He kissed my nose. I sighed and looked out at the crashing waves.

"Alright, well my mum and dad will kill me if I don't get home soon. Bye Ev, bye Codsta." He kissed Alli. "Goodnight love."

I saw Alli blush. "Goodnight Jake. Would you mind walking me back to the house and help me bring some stuff in?"

"Yeah, sure."

They took most of the stuff and started walking back. I stood up and stretched. Cody stood up and took his iPhone out of his pocket. He opened it and I heard a song start to play. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was slow and somewhat depressing but it was perfect for dancing. "Can I have this dance ma ‘lady?"

I giggled and stepped into his arms. "Of course my knight,"

He smiled. He placed one hand on my waist and held my hand with the other. We moved side to side without saying much for a while and then finally Cody spoke. "I don't know if you heard me when you were in the hospital, but I want you to come on tour with me. It's really fun. And it’s only two weeks. We're just going around Aus."

I rested my head on his shoulder. Did I want to go on tour with Cody? Yes. "I want too, but we'll have to ask my mum and dad."

I knew he was smiling. He hugged me closer to him. "I love you Ev, more than anything in the world."

"I love you too Codes." I looked at him. His face was shadowed in the pale moonlight. I reached up and kissed him.

(Fast forward 3 weeks.)

Alli's POV:

"Cody! Jake! If you both don't get your butts over here I will honestly come up there and like karate chop your heads off!" I yelled.

I had quite a bit of energy. Even at 1:00 in the morning. Ever had passed out on the couch waiting for the both of them. Both of our luggages were already on the bus along with my mum, dad and little brother Tom. The staff and crew were in a separate bus except for Matt who always tried to travel with us.

Finally, I heard luggage’s bumping into one another and footsteps. Jake and Cody finally made it down the stairs. Jake stopped and gave me a quick peck on the forehead. I smiled and hugged him.

It's almost been a month that we've been dating now. I really liked Jake. He knew how to make me laugh, how to cheer me up and how to treat me like a princess. He was almost like Ever, but guy version.

They went to put their stuff on the bus and then Cody came to get Ev. He carried her in his arms and then put her in one of the bunks in the bus. He pulled the curtain slightly over the bunk.

The bus was starting to move when Tommy yelled. "NO! STOP THE BUS! MUM, DAD! CERAMIC CHICKEN IS IN MY ROOM!" I sighed. Did he really have to bring the chicken everywhere? It was a ceramic chicken. It wasn't special or anything. It was just something Tom had picked up when we were on tour last time and now he never let it out of his sight.

The bus stopped and dad jogged back to the house. He came out, ceramic chicken in hand. He locked the door, waved to Miss and Mister Abbott and jogged back. Tom grinned as my dad handed him his chicken. What a weird child.

Cody and Jake started watching TV, mum was making a coffee, and Tom was in his bunk trying to fall asleep.

I sat down in the tiny booth in the kitchen area. I leaned back against the window, my feet dangling over the edge of the comfy seat. I took the laptop out and started looking around on the Internet. I went on my favorite tabloid site.

On the side, there was a headline in bright purple. You couldn't miss it. It read, "Why Rising Superstar Ever Abbott Was Really In The Hospital." I read it over and over again. I clicked the title.

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