You Know That Feeling You Get From Looking At The Stars?

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You know that feeling you get from looking at the stars?
Seeing at least one star twinkle alongside the moon.
It just makes you think.
Think about your life.
Think about the future.
Think about the concept of home.
Think about anything.

It's comforting but lonely,
Seeing that lone star twinkle,
Or seeing many stars far away from you.
To that lone star,
You wonder if it feels lonely too.
To those many stars,
You wonder if they still feel alone.

Sure you could think logically
And say that the stars never feel lonely, obviously,
But something in the night sky
Just speaks out in unintelligible words.
It's difficult to decipher, no matter how hard you try,
But I never stopped trying.

I've given up on many things,
Myself, mainly, really.
I've given up on dreams, hopes of happiness,
Even a long life.
But for some reason when I see that one star,
The perspective changes all the time.

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