Just an Umbrella {Lance}

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I just noticed; I write a LOT of angst. Which is ironic because if you knew me, I am LITERALLY the human embodiment of a happy ball of sunshine. I almost CRIED just writing this! Y I DO DIS TO MEH?!?

Warnings; suicide, character death, THIS IS VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SAD! 

Depressed!Lance x Reader


You were just walking home from a friend's house on a particularly rainy day. It didn't bother you, summer storms are the best. You had your favorite blue umbrella up, and you were strolling through the park, enjoying the little short-cut to your house. The park was empty, well, almost empty 

You were walking by when you spotted a boy around your age sitting on a bench without an umbrella. He was hunched over, with his elbows on his knees and face in his hands. He wore a green jacket with a white and blue shirt underneath, and blue jeans.

You stopped. Did he forget his umbrella...? You thought. No, this storm was all over the news. You looked at your raincoat, and smiled. I think he needs it more than I do.

The problem being, you were very shy around new people. And you didn't even know if he would take the umbrella. Then you had an idea. You pulled up your hood.

You ran up to him, and grabbed his hand. Then you shoved your umbrella's handle in it and wrapped his fingers around it. You quickly ran away. You heard him call for you to stop or wait, but he didn't chase you, and you were too embarrassed as is. So you just kept running, all the way home.

One week later, your friend invited you over again. You obliged, partially because you had nothing better to do. You checked the weather before you left. Rainy. You smiled as you grabbed your raincoat and left.

You were making your way through the park, the hood on your (F/c) raincoat is the only thing keeping your face and head dry. As you were walking, you spotted the boy again. He was using your umbrella, and he was smiling at his hand which he let get soaked by the rain. You smiled.

You wanted to talk to him, but you didn't know what to say. Would I just say hi? Or would I have a full-blown conversation with him?

You took a deep breath and walked over to him. "Hello." You said in almost a whisper. He looked up at you, and smiled. "Hi." He said back. You sat down next to him.

"This is your umbrella, isn't it?" He asked, looking back to the rain. You just nodded for a reply. "You probably want it back-" "No no no!" You say, cutting him off. "Blue looks good with you- i mean, on you- I mean- uh- just keep it.." You say, muttering the last part. He chuckled.

"You're cute when your nervous." He said with a smile. You blushed and looked away. "Well- I- uh-" You start, making him laugh again. You smile and turn back to him.

"I'm Lance, By the way." He said. "(Y/n)." You replied.

After that, you saw each other more and more often. You learned about how his family is so big, that he feels neglected. He learned that you lived here on your own since you were 15. You became best friends. You even exchanged numbers so you can meet up. And eventually fell in love with him.

And then, one day, you got the dreaded, dreaded text. Meet me in the park in 10. Sure, doesn't seem like much. It was a rainy day, and you both liked the rain. And the park is where you usually meet, so you got your raincoat and your phone and made your way there.

Once again, the park seemed abandoned from the lack of people. Then, you saw something else making the park seem even more abandoned.

A body. A dead body. Somebody hung them self. On the tree that was in the middle of the park. You couldn't move towards the sight, you were too in shock. Then you saw something that caught your eye. Something blue. You wanted to stay far away, but curiosity took over. You slowly approached the body.

It was a blue umbrella. It was your blue umbrella. Then you looked up, only to be met with Lance's lifeless body.

"No..." You whispered. Tears slipped down your cheeks. You looked back at your umbrella and cautiously took it in your hands. Underneath it was a note. You picked up the note, and began to read.

Dear (Y/n),

                     Hey. Sorry I had to go, I really am. But I can't help but feel like I was born in the wrong time, and the wrong place.

                     I know I should've told you about my depression earlier, but I couldn't stand to bring you down. Maybe things would've ended differently. But I didn't want to be a burden, to you or my family.

                    I just want you to know that you were my light in the dark times. I stayed alive for so long just for you. I also don't think you should be sad. You have other friends, and I'm not something to be missed.

                 I also want you to know; I love you, (Y/n). And I should have told you sooner.

So, please, keep shining. For me.



One of your tears dripped onto his note, the tree blocking the rain. You held the paper close to your chest, and cried. You ended up taking him down and burying him under that very tree.

But that was a year ago. You were now dressed in all black, grabbed a black raincoat, and your blue umbrella. And you walked to the park.

Just like at Lance's funeral, you were the only one there. You didn't invite his family. You didn't even tell them, and they didn't seem to care. They caused him this. They didn't deserve to know.

You set your umbrella down by the tree, and you sat back against the trunk. You cried. You cried for hours. You picked up your umbrella, and just stared at it while tears would fill your vision. You were so lost in thought, you couldn't tell the time.

This isn't a dream. I can't wake up. This isn't a game. I can't restart. I remember when we first saw each other. I gave you my umbrella and left. Who knew that this umbrella would mark a beautiful friendship. Who knew it would blossom a beautiful romance. But I guess to you, Lance...

It was just an umbrella.

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