Are We Really? {Lance}

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Heyo! So, this was my very first request, by @Cinderpelt123434! I really hope you like it! I think it's either really good, or really bad.... I don't know... imma very dark person. Chao my peeps~

Warnings; mentions self-harm, suicide.

Depressed!Lance X Depressed!Reader


Being on Team Voltron was hard. Especially when you thought there were villains on the actual team. And no matter what you say, what you do, how you do it, your always criticized and teased for it. You laughed with them as they laughed at you, trying so hard not to cry. And the teasing was from your own teammates, for crying out loud!

Not that you were surprised. Everyone always seemed to hate you. Coran named you "The Team's Screw up" in his shows, and Allura treated you like Zarkon. Shiro wouldn't even look at you, let alone acknowledge your existence. Pidge and Hunk would always get away from you and send you dirty looks, and Keith- you didn't even try to interact with him. But when you did, it just ended up with Keith yelling, the team dying from laughter, and you a broken mess on the inside. And Lance. Lance...

Lance was.... strange. You loved this strange bully. He would always try to insult you, but everyone just ended up confused on what he meant. He just laughed awkwardly as everyone stared at him in confusion. He always seemed happy and energetic, but, to you, he was a try-hard loner.

You were surprised that the others couldn't see it. I mean, come on! He trains at night instead of getting his so-called beauty sleep. You know, because of the countless times that you could never sleep. He claims he isn't hungry enough to eat dinner with the others, but he stuffs his face after everyone leaves. You know because, if you think you ate with the Paladins, pfft, maybe in your dreams.

You knew he was depressed. You could tell. You were the only one who could tell. Why? Because you were depressed. And he acted like you.

You were walking around the castle, on your way to train with your white lion, when you heard talking through a closed door in the control room. About you. You pressed your ear to the door, and tuned in.

"Did you see (Y/n)'s staff work? Lou-sy..." You heard Allura say to the others. "I agree. If she wants to be a part of Voltron, she has to work her butt off like the rest of us." You hear Shiro say. "Speaking of, where is the lazy lump?" Pidge said, rather rudely. "Not here. Out of our hair." Keith said. Everyone laughed.

"That's good!! She always smells like fish!" Lance shouted. You scrunched your nose and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, and you hear the room fall silent. "Umm..... okay....." you heard Hunk said, breaking the awkward silence. "You know?! Like, stinky and.... well, fishy!!" "Okay, Lance, that's enough." You hear Coran say.

"I believe we should remove her." Shiro said. "Eliminate her." Allura said darkly. "You'd think she would've done that herself by now." You hear Keith's angry remark. "She's stronger than that!" Lance said, making you smile and walk away. "She's still here isn't she...?" You heard Lance faintly say in the distance.

Sleep came to everyone sooner than later. Except you. You just sat on the floor in the control room, watching the stars float by the gigantic window. You heard the gentle swish of the door, and a light pitter-patter of feet. You didn't need to turn around to know who it was. He was the only person who gets little sleep.

"Hey, Lance." You say, eyes still glued to the stars. He said nothing, but stopped in his tracks when he heard his name. "You know, I've been thinking about you a lot recently. Comparing you, to me. And I gotta say. We have more in common than you think."

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