Chapter 1:: All our life is but a dream.

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(Brendon's P.O.V)

   My band members and I's concert is starting in 15 minutes and all we can do is act stupid. It's what we do. Spencer is jumping on the couches, Dallon is on the table with his bass pretending to play, and for me, I am jamming my fingers on the piano playing a Queen song while we all sing as loudly and annoyingly as we can.

 I smiled and flipped my black hair that was in my face. When the song was over everyone got in a group hug and we twirled in a group hug like little girls. I have to admit I do actually miss Ryan, Brent, and Jon, but they decided to go there separate ways and that's okay. I have new loving members that make me happy and that's all I need to enjoy my music.

"I love you guys!" Spencer said girly while picking me up and swirling me around. I put my hand behind my hips like a duck and started to quack really loud. They all started doing the same thing until one of the people who worked at the venue came into our dressing rooms and told us we had 10 minutes til showtime. We all looked at her in silence and froze in our duck positions.

"Okay then, I'll let you continue." She chuckled and closed the door. We slowly looked at each other and then bursted out laughing starting to push each other around. I bet she wonders why we had to preform here, were animals. Our backstage moments always brought out our enthusiasm for the show. Okay..Maybe we get a little drunk sometimes and we strip on stage, but that's just us.

"Alright boys! Were gonna kick some fucking ass tonight, and afterwards drinks on me!" I said in my batman voice as we were doing our "Manly" handshake together. They "WOOH" ed and we walked out the door together. Oops I forgot my Jacket.

"Be right back guys." I patted Dallon on the back and walked back to our dressing room. I grabbed my gold blazer in the corner of the room and put it on in front of the mirror. I took one last look at myself and went to go catch up with my band.

    On my way there I was doing my vocal warm ups and shook myself up. "5 MINUTES" I heard someone yell. I swear some people are so crazy for a show, for me I'm just relaxed and fun to loosen up.

We were on the sides of the stage, Dallon walked in first, then Spencer, And finally Muah. I walked up to my hand microphone, "HELLO NEW YORK, lets get this party stared," I winked, "But first, Steven! Close the god damn door!" I yelled at Steven in the back of the Auditorium, and he's the one who manages the door. The crowd screamed so hard when I said that. I think they knew I was going to start with "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies."

    In the middle of the song I went up to the crowd and highfived a row of people and jumped up everytime I heard the crashing cymbals of the drums. Next we Did Miss. Jackson. I get a little crazy for this song, like in the music video.

 "I LOVE HER ANYWAY!" I sang with Passion. My eyes completely stopped for a moment and so did my entire body. I stood there awkwardly singing while not moving. I combed my hair back with my fingers as I saw this girl in the crowd. She was in the corner of the Auditorium, people were pushing her around and she looked pissed. She was not having fun at all. She was strangely beautiful, from where I was, she looked amazing.

   Something inside of me fell, in the chest area, and couldn't stop staring at her. I kept doing my usual performance, but every once and awhile I looked over in that one corner. I finished 10 songs and said goodnight to the crowd happily. They could'nt stop cheering, so I threw some of my clothing pieces. Like my shirt, belt, and my shoes, but I kept my Gold jacket on.

     Spencer, Dallon, and I were patting   back and laughing. "Good show guys!" I said to them, "But I'm going to have to catch up with you later," They looked at me confused. "I need to take care of something." I said walking towards the backdoor of the venue.

"When will you back? Your paying for our drinks," They both chuckled. I looked back at them and winked. I think they knew I was coming back. I walked out of the backstage door into a dark alley way. I still only had my gold jacket on, but I put on some shoes. I walked towards the front of the venue where all the fans come out of the door.

  Shit. There going to totally recognize me. Your probably wondering why I am out here? Well, I'm going to find that mystery girl, I want to just get a good look at her. Maybe even say hello. I walked around the crowd down a quiet street by myself. I'm still looking even though this is not where the crowd is. Hopefully I find her.

   Okay, now I'm lost. I've been walking for 14 minutes and I don't know my way around New York. There what looked like old Motels, they were colored blue, and the floor was wet because it just rained. All the buildings around here looked pretty torn up, but they were still in use. God Damn, I don't know where I am, and I don't know how to get back.

I just had to leave my phone in my dressing room. I combed back my hair with my hand in frustration, put my hands in my pocket, and wrapped the blazer around me. It was so cold I was breathing out cold air.

"Dammit!" I yelled angrily. I kept walking down this sidewalk, kicking the rocks on the way. There was no sound but the wind, no cars, no nothing. I heard the sound of a car behind me, I hid my face in my jacket just in case. I heard it pull up next to me, I walked faster. Guys can't get raped right? Unless it's butt rape...and the guy has to be bigger than me, well everyone is bigger than me. I'm Fucked.

  I listened to the window go down. "Hey! You need a ride somewhere buddy?" A unknown female voice yelled. I kept walking and hid my face. It was following me slowly down the curb. "Hey, I know I'm a weird stranger and all, but what exactly are you doing on this side of town?" She tried to compromise.

"I'm looking for someone." I said focused. "Thanks though," I kept walking. She sighed," Alright, have fun getting butt-raped.I'm not responsible for anything," She said annoyed and began to drive. My eyes Widened.

"Wait!" I yelled, she drove off before she could hear me. Dammit. I kept walking and I heard another car come down the road and pulled by me. "Alright what do you want now." I heard the same female voice. I smiled. "Can you give me a ride?" I said pleading.

"Okay, but you gotta get your face out of your jacket, you look ridiculous." She teased. I took a deep breath and let my face out of my jacket and looked at the woman. She had long black hair, good face structure, and pretty smile. (a/n its not Sarah)

"Well you getting in?" She looked at me and laughed. I shook my head and nodded. I walked over to the other side and got in her red 1972 Chevy Impala.

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