Chapter 5:: I'm On My way.

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(Brendon's P.O.V)
      I called Spencer to come find me. It took him 4 rings to answer. "Dude! Where the fuck were you?! You gotta stop doing that!" He screamed into the phone. I put the phone away from my ears to let him finish ranting. "Thanks Mother," I put the phone back up to my mouth. "Can you guys pick me up? Where are you?" I asked him.

"Where in the party bus, where are you?" He shot back.

"The Venue," I said looking around. "I'll tell the driver," he told me, "Were on our way, be in the back alleyway." I hung up the phone and started to walk back there. I put my hands in my pocket because it was getting cold. I really wish I got her number, but she didn't have one.

   I've waited for 17 minutes and no sign of them. I was sitting leaned against the wall. I finally saw the bus come in from the left side and I sang Hallelujah. I ran up to it and the door opened. I climbed up the steps and saw my band members in the lounge area playing Halo 4.

  They paused their game and got up and patted my back.

"Dude, where did you go? Did you get laid?" Dallon asked, he would.

"No, I didn't. And nothing really happened." I sat down on the couch. "I passed out and Alice took me home to take care of me because she couldn't find you bozos." I grinned. They raised a eyebrow, "Dude what if she did something to you while you were sleeping?" Spencer blurted out. "Like stole a piece of your hair and will sell it on ebay!" Dallon added.

  We laughed at his remark, "No, she's not like that." I shoved him. They both winked, "Your defending her," Spencer winked. I shook my head and looked at the ground. "Well, please tell me you got her number." Dallon added. I shook my head again, "She doesn't have a phone." I looked at him.

   "You just got rejected, everyone has one." He said sourly. I don't know if I should tell him she doesn't even have a house.

"Well, I'm still want to find that one girl in the crowd." I smirked. They rolled their eyes, "You don't even know her, and it was so dark you couldn't even see what see looked like." Dallon said to me while patting my back.

   "What do remember she looked like?" Spencer trying to help.

"She had black hair I think, and she had a nice structure, but that's about all I saw," I curled my lips. They looked at me confused, "What color hair did Alice have?" Spencer asked. I rolled my eyes and smiled, "It's not her, nice try Spens, but she had long black hair." They both nudged  .

   I chuckled at their non sense. "You guys are crazy," I said getting up to the cooler. "Says the guy who has a crush on a random person." Dallon shot back. I let that one slide, I'm dehydrated. I gulped a whole thing of water and threw it away.

  "God Damn, Your thirsty too." Spencer winked. We all laughed and started to play tackle  . Our bus driver came in the room, "We are leaving New York, any stops before we go?" She said. We all looked at  each other and shook our heads.

"Alright, were off then." She concluded and shut the curtain. Were going to preform at Philadelphia next on tour.


     We have been driving for awhile now, I was looking out the window and drinking some Monster energy drink. We were on a highway I recognized. This was the place me and Alice pulled out of, so I'm near her "House" I felt like I needed to see her one last time.

"Pull over the bus!" I yelled. The bus went to a complete stop and ran out of the bus, I heard Dallon and Spencer yelling, "Where the hell are you going!?!?" I didn't respond, I just kept running.

   I went around the hill and saw the dirt tunnel that leads to her place. It was so dark, too dark. I got out my phone's flashlight and hoped for the best. I ran down the tunnel with my phone leading the way. I saw her car, good she's home.

   I went the back of the house and into the cellar. I tried to not to make a sound. I climbed up the stairs and I was in the back living room. I couldn't find her in this room I tiptoed down the hall and saw room A3. I opened it a little bit and peeked in. She wasn't there.

   I continued down the long hall until I got to the big living room and kitchen. I saw her reading the newspaper while sipping the cracked coffee mug. She was wearing short black shorts and a big, men's white shirt. Her long black hair was in a bun, and she was sitting on the white couch.

   I was behind her and I didn't know how to approach her. It would be creepy if I just went up to her, but it would also be creepy if I said something. I guess I'll just go sit next to her on the other side of the couch and wait for her reaction.

  I walked over to the other side of the couch and sat down. I looked at her until she saw me, I cleared my throat. She looked scared and splashed her coffee all over my white t-shirt and black jean, pants. I screamed a little because it was so hot. "Ouch!" I I got up.

  "Dude?! What the fuck? Now your actually a creeper, what the hell are you doing here?" She kept yelling, "You scared the shit out of me!" She continued, "I thought you were someone else!"

I couldn't stop laughing, her reaction was priceless. I had coffee all over me now, "Sorry for scaring you," I grinned. "And sorry for getting coffee all over you," She looked away and smiled.

"Since you got coffee all over me, its your turn." I evilly said. She looked confused. I ran up to her, embraced her, and swirled her around. "Brendon! Stop I'm wearing white!" She laughed out. "So am I!" I added.

  After I let go of her I was still holding her. I was looking in her eyes and she was looking in mine, "Uh, so what are you doing here?" She said, getting away from my embrace and sat down on the couch.

  I awkwardly cleared my throat, "Well we didn't really get a decent goodbye," I looked at her. "I'm leaving today, to Philly." I added.

She looked away and back at me. "So you came all this way to say bye?" She asked me confused. I slightly nodded. "What is your usual goodbye then?" She said sarcastically. I chuckled and said, "I don't know, it just couldn't end like it did."

  "Why is that so important? We just met." She asked me raising her eyebrow. I looked away, "Were you at the Panic at the Disco concert?" I asked her. I know it was random, but just be make sure it wn't her.

  "Yes, okay that was so off topic," She said rolling her eyes. "Where were you in that concert?" I said seriously. "Um, Back corner, Why?"

   My eyes widened, and I got up. I walked away from her, "Where are you going now?" She yelled.

   Where am I going? I am walking from my destiny right now. Fate lead me to all this, and I'm walking away. I know it was her in the concert that I couldn't keep my eyes off of, but I'm walking away? No.

   I completely turned myself around and fast walked back into the living room. I went up to her sitting on the couch and lost control. I slid onto her and kissed her on her lips.

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