Chapter 4::For the Fallen Ones

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(Brendon's P.O.V.)

   I wake up with a blurry vision and a pounding in my head. Crap, what happened last night. I let out a little whimper, And stretch my arms out. Wait, this doesn't feel like a bunk in our tour bus. I Immediately popped up and that caused a big pain in my head. I held my head for a second and managed to open my eyes.

  Where the hell am I? It's a big white bedroom with a dresser and everything. Did I get laid last night? I looked around and saw a note on the nightstand next to me. I read it and laughed at the last part. So I'm In Alice's bed , she makes it seem like I'm in a hotel. So room A3?

   Well I feel like my legs have fallen off, so I roll out of the bed onto the floor and let out a Little "Ouch" I crawled over to the door and reached up to open it. I crawled out of the room and noticed a balcony across the hall. It was huge and had big drape red, velvet curtains. I made my way over to the balcony and used the bars to pull myself up.

  This house was blocked off and there was a dirt ditch on the left. It was kind of pretty, you can see the city from here and some trees on the nearby mountains.

"Enjoying the view?" I heard a voice behind me. It made me jump a little but I grinned, "Yes, It's fantastic. I didn't know you were so rich." She chuckled at my statement. "Not exactly like that," She stood right next to me and looked at the view. She was holding a cracked mug with coffee in it.

  I looked at her in the eye.

"Whats wrong?" She looked at me and asked. "Thanks for taking me in," I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and smiled, "You make it seem like you were a lost puppy," She playfully pushed me, "But no problem." She said as she walked away from the balcony.

   I looked back at her, "Where are you going?" I asked her nicely. "Do you want breakfast or not?" I heard her echo from down stairs. I went slowly downstairs, my hangover is still killing me. I made it to the kitchen, and it looks better than the one in our tour bus.

  "What are you making me?" I came up next to her, she turned at me and raised an eyebrow, "Ha! Your helping me, I'm not your servant," She said as she gave me a pan, "But we are having pancakes." She threw me the mix. I smiled at her and got a bowl to mix the ingredients.

  When getting the water out of the sink, I pulled the water hose out and squirted her. She screamed a little and turned around and threw a egg at my shirt. "Now that's just rude." I said saucily like a girl. I got the sink hose and kept on squirted her till she was soaking wet. She was defenseless cause she didn't have anything to throw.

    She stole the hose from me and pushed me up against the counter. Pointed the hose at my face and said, "Any last words," She smiled. I looked her in the eye and said. "Are you nasty?" I smirked, she was confused. While she was confused I took the hose from her and turned her around onto the counter.

"I totally won," I said putting back the hose and laughing. We were laughing together, "I'll go get some towels," She ran upstairs. I sat on the wet counter waiting for her to return, I still had a smile on my face.

She came down with two cream towels. She threw one at me and sat on the couch with it wrapped around her. I got off the counter and sat on the couch across from her. "So where are you from?" She asked me.

   "Las Vegas, I miss it." I said looking down. "Then why are you traveling?" She kept the conversation going. "I- I actually really got to get going," I said changing the subject and got up. "Thanks by the way." I said while trying to open the door. It's locked. I looked at her sacredly. "Um, why is the door locked?" I gulped.

  She rolled her eyes and got up, "The exit isn't that way, follow me." She was walking down in a cellar. I followed her, confused. "This house was abandoned, so there is only one way in and one way out." She said annoyed.

  "So you don't own a house?" I asked her as we continued walking down this cellar. She nodded. I mouthed "Oh'

  We got out of the cellar and out of the area. We walked up to this ditch with her car in it. She got in without hesitation. "Its fine, I can walk." I opened her door and stood there. "Well if you want to walk all the way down the mountain, be my guest." She looked over at me. I rolled my eyes and got in the car.

  We drove down this dark ditch for awhile and we were near the highway. She pulled out from behind a mountain and there was a freeway with cars going by. She got onto the street somehow and drove towards the city. "Where to sir," She said mocking a taxi driver. "Oh, just to the Venue would delightful," I said classy while making a weird snooty face.

  She chuckled, "You know she's not going to be there, right?" She looked at me sadly, "I know, but I'm getting picked up there." I said as I looked out the window. She nodded and made her way to the Venue.

   She parked in the same place as last time and just sat there looking at me. I salute her and get out of the car, "Thanks again," I half smiled. She nodded and looked away in disappointment I think. Before I could close the door, "Can I have your number," I asked sleekly.

"Sorry I don't have a phone, Bye Brendon." She closed the door and drove off without another glance. I combed my hair back with frustration, "dammit" I muttered. I took out my phone and called Spencer.

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