Chapter 9:: Nine in the Afternoon .

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(Ryan's P.O.V)

   I watched Brendon race after Alice. I sat there motionless, but so close to tears. A tear slipped out of my eye. It was what it looked like, and he wanted it. I think? He didn't tell me he had a girlfriend, or he was even straight. Maybe he's bisexual because he continued with me.

  He had to feel something for me right? Did he just do it because he missed me or what? I slipped back on my shirt and put on the rest of my things. I wiped my damp forehead and headed down the backstage hall.

"Ryan!" Spencer went up to me. I was trying to walk around Spencer but he put his hands on my shoulder and man hugged me, "You alright buddy?" Spencer asked. A few tears escaped my eyes and I looked at the ground. I shook my head a pushed passed him.

  I kept walking till I found the entrance of the stage. I opened it and walked onto the stage of the empty arena. There was nobody in the crowd and I stood there in the middle of the stage.

I miss preforming all the time, and I especially miss Brendon. I miss the fans, they still ship me and Brendon as Ryden. I laughed to myself. It made a echo that bounced off all the walls.

  I began to sing.

"It's Nine in the Afternoon, and your eyes are the sound of moon." I smiled.

"Hey Moon, please forget to fall down. Hey Moon, don't you go down. Sugarcane in the easy morning. Weathervane as my one and lonely." Tears rolled down my face as I sang. I imagined Brendon singing with me, the band in the back, and the crowd singing along. The beaming lights and the sweat as I played guitar. I miss it all.

   I heard clapping in the audience. I looked around panically. I was turning so red. "Hello?" I yelled.

"Sugarcane in the easy morning. Weathervanes my one and lonely."  A too familiar voice sang. He walked into the light. My heart froze and my eyes were full of anger.

"What do you want," I said angrily. I crossed my arms. "Look, I'm sorry." He climbed onto the stage.

"Brendon, if you didn't want me. Why did you continue with me?" I looked him in the eyes.

"I was confused, but I'm not anymore. I'm sorry but I think I'm in love with someone else." Brendon put his hand on my shoulder. I frowned and looked away from him.

"It's the girl, isn't it?" I muttered. He nodded and patted my back, "I hope we can be just friends." He smirked. I slightly nodded. "Good," He smiled, "By the way, your voice has gotten really good. Good luck." He said before leaving me on the stage by myself.

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