Chapter 19:: Your Cheesy.

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(Alice's P.O.v)

        We have spent the week in this stupid hospital. I think I'm starting to get sick just by being here to much. Brendon is sleeping sound asleep, his plump, pink lips parted and his hair going in places. I smile and squeeze his hand that I am holding. He hogs up the entire hospital bed, but that's okay, he needs it more.

         I kiss his hand before getting up and leaving to go to the waiting room. I was met with a pissed Dallon sitting in the chair with his long legs crossed. He has been mad lately, it seems more towards me than anybody and I don't know why.

         "Hey." I wave to him and sit next to him, sleeping Spencer on the other side. They have been here all the time. His band members really do care for him, and that's just so sweet it warms my bitter heart.

           Dallon gets up from his chair and strode over to the direction of the boys bathroom. Yeah. I think hes mad at me.

      I roll my eyes and go over to the front desk, ringing the bell three- four times. The lady looks over at me with a unammused look, tilting her red glasses down.

        "Can I help you?" She asked, bored. I 'ummed' and answered.

"Can I see Brendon's doctor?" I asked while tapping my fingers on the counter, hoping it would annoy he enough to tell me where he was.

      "Down to the medicine room, to your right down this hall." She says as she points to the hall where I came from. I thanked her and got on my way.

        I reached the medicine room and saw Brendon's doctor, in the corner doing some paperwork.

  "Hey." I call out to him. He lifts his knowledged head up and places his own on the desk.

      "Can I help you?" He asks nicely. I clear my throat and just go for it.

    "Well. I was wondering Iif Brendon can take a walk with me around the streets or something."

   "Alice, you know he can't breath through his nose yet."

   "I know but what about those breathy things?"

   "You mean gas tank?" He corrected next like a smart-ass. I nodded. "Well I could, you just would have to help him get dressed and stuff." I nodded again.

    "I'll go get him."

    "Keep him in the room until your done dressing him, then press the red button on the bed to call the nurse in for the attachment."

       I nod and walk out, not losing a moment to breath before going back into Brendon's room. His innocent self is still sleeping, fingers now wrapped around the bars of the hospital bed.

        I plop on top of him, I heard his soothing breathing stop and stifled noises. "Hey, wake up Brenny." I poke his cheek. "Bren." He mumbles something and tries to get away from my fingers, but I keep poking.

    "Nphh - what." He mumbled while shooing me away. I kiss his cheek and that seems to wake him up.

   "Were leaving." I state.

    "What? My pipe isn't-"

    "Your getting a gas tank, so I need to get you dressed come on." I get off him so he can stand up.

     "I can dress myself you know?" He chuckles.

     "Well, how are you going to get dressed without totally messing with the cords?" I pointed the pipes and wires connected to his body.

    "True. Okay, undress me Babe." He smiles cheesily while holding his arms up. I chuckle and pull his arms up.

   "Stand up for me." I groan while trying to pull him off the bed, he's surprisingly heavy. He gets off the bed and stands beside it, keeping an hand on it. "You okay?" I console him by putting my hand on his shoulder.

       "Yeah. It just feels weird standing up." He bit his lip. I just nodded and began to take off his hospital shirt, being careful around the wires. I reached into the bag next to me and put a yellow shirt on him.

    "Where did you get these clothes?" He asked me. I shrug.

     "Went shopping earlier." I say like it's nothing. He chuckles and kind of loses his balance. "Easy now." I steady him. "I'm just going to take off your hospital skirt, but put on these boxers for me first." I give him the new pair of boxers and turn around for him to change.

      "I'm done." He says. I turn around and smile while I pull down his hospital skirt. I take the jeans out of the bag and somehow manage to get it on him without utterly failing.

          He seemed pretty dressed. I got out the flipflops and let him slid his feet into them.

He chuckles.

"Whats so funny?" I ask.

"My old buddy Jon used to wear flip flops with jeans all the time." He chuckles again, looking back at the memory.

        I smiled at his adoring face. It's still kind of fucked up from the fight, I mean Yeah sure, you got your scars on his bottom lip, the scratch on his cheek, the black eye. But I still think he is beautiful.

        He gives me a grin. I shake my head as I click the red button on the bed. Just like that, the nursed came in with a gas tank and the doctor.

        They shoved me way while they worked on my boyfriend, I watched. They unplugging the nose breather thing was hard to watch when they took to damn long to put the new one in, Bren looked like he was about to die of lack of air.

         I give him an encouraging smile as they undo needles from his arms and such, they keep the braclet on of course.

       When they finish, the doctor spoke up.

"Be back in 2 hours, you don't want the tank to run out. " Then he left. I smiled and went over to Brendon who was holding onto the bed frame.

     "Come on." I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him to my side. He smiles down at me and holds onto me as we lug out of the hospital room.

     On the way to the front door, Dallon spotted Brendon and just looked away. Brendon looked kind of pissed at that moment, I could help be be a little curious.

       We finally made it out of that God awful hospital and breathed some fresh air.

     "Wow. Air." He breathes. I laugh.

"Missed it to."

"Let's go get a cheese pizza at the pizza place at the corner of my heart"

I giggle.

"Your so cheesy."

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