Chapter 6:: Love Is not a Choice.

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(Alice's P.O.V.)

    Brendon is on me and he just kissed me. Wait what? I kissed back with more force. I grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him more towards me.

  What am I doing, I just me this guy? "I'm Brendon," He pulled away out of breath and back to kissing. "I know," I said into the kiss.

"No, I mean I'm the Brendon Urie," He pulled away and looked me in the eyes.  "What are you talking about." I said while he was still inches away from my face.

"I'm in a band, and that concert you saw. I was the lead singer, and you were the girl I was looking for. I'm sorry-" He said really fast. I pushed him off me and looked at him in disgust. "You didn't tell me you were famous?" I said annoyed.

  I sound weird saying no to a famous person, but famous people bug me a lot. I never liked them cause their only into money and everything. "I thought you were different." I muttered and got off the couch into the kitchen.

He followed me there, "Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I thought you would think of me as different and the stereotypical famous person, but I'm not. I'm completely normal, remember when we met, I was myself, and that's who I always am." He said pleadingly.

  My back was faced toward him, and he turned me around and looked into my eyes, "I'm sorry." He whispered. I rolled my eyes and went back to the couch. He sat next to me and put his hand on my knee.

"So was I the girl that you were looking for?" I bit my lip. "Yes, yes you were." He said smiling widely and nodding his head.

"How do you know?" I said getting closer, "I felt it in my heart." He soothingly said as he put his hand on my face and leaned in slowly. Once our noses met we went right into the kiss. It was like a big smushy party, and his breath had a aftertaste of a energy drink.

  I put my hands on his shoulder and he put his on my waist. I scooted onto his lap and pulled me closer to him. I smiled into the kiss and he bit my lip softly. He pulled me down on the couch with him, so I was on top of him. We didn't break the kiss, not even once.

  I heard someone clear their throat, it wasn't Brendon. We broke the kiss and looked at each other, confused.

"Oh, Sorry to interrupt, but Brendon needs to leave right now." Said a male voice from the hall. We got off each other and looked at each other embarrassed. We smiled at one another and we got up.

"Sorry Spencer, I was just uh-" Brendon said nervously. "Yea, I got it." Spencer laughed. I looked at him sadly, he has to leave.

"Why do you have to leave?" I said looking at the floor. "I have a tour, and were going to preform in a couple hours." He sad sadly.

   I don't want him to leave, I just want him to be here for a little longer. "She should come with us." Spencer said breaking the silence.

"Alright, lets go." He said smiling and then kissing my cheak.


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