Chapter 8:: Memories, Where'd you go?

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(Brendon's P.O.V)

  Holy shit, it was the one and only, Ryan Ross. The memories came back to me like bullets and every single one hit me. His hair looked the same and he still had his eyeliner look. Except his clothes were sorta different, he was wearing Blue jeans and a polka dot button up. It was kinda cute.

   I just remembered the feelings he gave me, the butterflies. Okay, I have to admit I used to be sexually attracted to Ryan, like a lot. Me and him were kinda a thing for awhile, but we didn't want drama with each other, so he left the band.

  It broke my heart, but over the years I've put myself back together. He sat there on the couch with his legs crossed and a sly smile, "Hey Bren," Ryan said softly. I got in the room and shut the door behind me.

"Hey Ryro," I came up to him and did a manly hug. As we pulled away we looked deep into each others eyes. The feeling started slapping me in the face, 'kiss him' my mind told me. No, I can't.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked changing the subject and sitting on the couch. He sat down as well, next to me. "Well I missed you." He scooted closer. I looked down at his lips and back into his eyes. Shit, I didn't mean to do that, I had no control.

   I was speechless. I bit my lip on the inside so he couldn't see. I looked away from him and stoked my hair back. "Yea I missed you too buddy." I said calmly. He nodded and looked at the floor.

"So how's life?" I asked him breaking the silence. "Better now,' He looked at me and smirked. I blushed and put my hands on his thigh, "Well that's good man, I'm happy for you." I said. He looked at my hand on his thigh then back to me. Shit.

  Without thinking I pressed my lips against him just for a quick second then pulled away. He looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile and got closer to him, "You know I really missed you ry." I said getting closer. "Good" He grabbed the collar of my jacket and pulled me into his sweet lips.

  We kissed very passionately, so the tongue slipped in. I was holding his waist and he was holding my face. He took off my jacket, wait what? I'm going with this apparently. I softly bit his bottom lip and he took of his jacket.

   We were swaying back and forth with each other for a hotter kiss. My shirt was already off and so I took off his. He pulled me down on the couch with him so I was on top. He gave my ass a little squeeze and smiled in the kiss.

  What am I doing? Don't I like Alice? or am I just going crazy. I'm going crazy. I licked his face, for some reason when me and Ryan were together he told me he likes it when I lick him. It was strange, but it was Ryan.

  He giggled like a little girl when I licked him, "Oh you like that?" I said hungrily. "Mhmmm" He moaned. 'Good' I breathed as I began to suck his neck. He put his hands on my belt trying to undo it while kissing me. Should I really be doing this? My mind kept asking me these type of questions and the answer is I don't know.

  He got my belt off and started to undo his. I started to grind on him a little bit and he kept on making sounds. Fucking Ryan, of course he's hard as shit.

   I heard a door open and I immediatly stopped kissing him and looked at the doorway. My heart dropped. It was Alice with a flower and a big card that said, "I love you Brendon Urie" Her face was shocked and looked kind of pissed. "Shit shit, Alice!" I said getting off of Ryan. "It's not what it looks like, I promise." I looked at Ryan, he looked hurt. Maybe it was what it looked like, I didn't even stop myself.

 I'm so stupid. She ran out of the door and dropped her flower and sign. I zipped up my pants and ran out of the door. "Brendon Whats wrong-" Spencer said as I ran past him. I ignored him and followed Alice outside. I ran out there and turned her around, there was a tear on her face.

  I feel so bad, why am I so stupid? "Alice-" I started "Don't even apologize, I knew I shouldn't have liked a rockstar. I know we weren't even together, but still Brendon, it hurts." She cut me off. A tear escaped my eye, shit.

   "Alice, listen I've liked you for awhile. Your in my mind all fucking day! You don't escape it and you make me go insane. But at the same time I love it. I love your stupid remarks, your sarcasm, your laugh, and your lastname." I laughed while crying, "But I know what I did and I'm not proud of it, I just haven't seen him in years-"

"So you try to fuck him?" She yelled, "Me and him used to date." I confessed. Her eyes widened, "Seriously? I didn't think you were that gay." She said evilly. "Anyway, listen I'm sorry." I pleaded.

"If your so sorry," She put air quotes, "Then why did you do it?" She said sternly and walked away.

I tried to catch up with her, "I did it because I'm stupid and I didn't know I was doing. It took me by surprise." I grabbed her arm and looked her in the eyes. She looked away from my stare and pulled away from my grasp.

  She got into her red car. I went up to the wall and punched it. I slid down the wall and cried. I know, so manly right? I put my jacket over my face to hide. I heard the car go on and stop. I continued sobbing and I felt a hand patting on my back.

  "Who's there." I said annoyed. "Well, you should get your face out of your jacket to see who it is, you look ridiculous." That familiar female voice said. I remember when she told me that when we first met. I smiled and looked up at her. She was sitting next to me and looking at me sincerely.

  She got her fingers and wiped my tears. I smiled and stared at her. "I'm really sorry." I whispered. She rested her head on my shoulders and looked at the clear night sky. I looked at the clock, its nine in the after noon. I glanced at her, her eyes are the size of the moon. 

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