Chapter 6: Please Refrain From Sucking Face In-front Of The General Population

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It's Friday the 13th!!! We're all going to die!!!

Lol... Jokes...



On Tuesday I woke up feeling really tired. Well, more tired than I usually feel in the morning. I groggily got up and got ready for school. I put less effort into my clothes than I had the previous day but I still looked okay in my jeans, green Connies and T-shirt. For breakfast I had cereal.

My family is really big on cereal. We used to have cupboards and cupboards full of it but now we have less because there are only two of us. We also used to have heaps of food in our pantry. we had draws full of jars of pasta sauce, readymade meals, tinned goods like tomatoes, tuna and corn, rice and rice cakes and muesli bars. My dad was obsessed with lemon cordial. Now we have less stuff because there are less of us and because we bulk shop. Chris and and I are too lazy to get off our fat asses and go shopping every week. Instead we would do a massive non perishables shop every month and a very small shop for meat, milk and bread, amongst other things, whenever we needed them.

I dreaded going to school. I knew I would see him during maths and that was going to be difficult. Not only is he very hot, he is a playboy, has an ego the size of a soccer field and he almost broke my walls down. A quote I really like is, the best way to avoid your heart getting broken, is to pretend you don't have one. Although I wouldn't admit it to anyone, I am slightly heartbroken. Your mate is the one who is supposed to love you unconditionally and cherish you. Trust me to get the shittiest jerk and man-whore there is on the planet as my mate.

I threw my back pack over my shoulder, put my headphones in, and headed to school.


Before school Ash and I had a plan meeting. We decided that the plan would work best after the holidays. Luckily, they're only a week away. The holidays last for only a week. I wanted to start the plan ASAP and get my revenge... and mate... but Ash lectured me on how 'Plans have to be timed perfectly' and 'you don't want our plan to turn out like one that Skulduggery pleasant made because we all know how fail they end up being'

After our plan meeting, i slammed my locker closed and headed to English. As we trudged through the halls, I smelt him up ahead. I neared a corner and I knew he was on the other side. English was also there. I took a deep breath and quickly walked around the corner and into English. I felt his stare on me the whole time. "Worthless idiot!" one of his friends called. I kept my head down. Ash glanced at me sadly while walking at my side.

At lunch I picked at my food. Over at his table Jackson was making out with Amili; his on-and-off girlfriend... or fuckfriend. Emily whimpered and howled. She was not taking this whole rejection thing well. She hasn't even talked to me since it happened. Currently I felt like vomiting. Trust me; it is not a pretty sight seeing people suck face like that.

At the end of lunch Amili pulled Jackson away. Oh god, who knows what they are going to do together. And boy, was I right.

Jackson was not in 5th period maths c. The teacher began a lesson on group theory and my stomach twitched. Pain shot down the left side of my abdomen and then I felt like my while midsection was on fire. It was as if I was a voodoo doll and people were sticking pins in my stomach. The pain came in bursts. As one stopped another started somewhere else. I got a headache. I couldn't focus. That's how bad it was.

I stood up and mumbled something to the teacher about 'not feeling well' and going to the nurse. When I got to the nurses office I immediately asked her if I could go home. The kind lady she is, she said yes. I put my books away and started on the walk home. if I needed more proof that Jackson hates me, here it was; he was fucking Amili.



I felt bad because I said I would update on Wednesday and I didn't. But that was because on Wednesday and Tuesday I didn't get home until 9 and yesterday I didn't get home until 7. TGIF!!!!! yeh well... I don't feel like writing a character profile. Sorry! I need to catch up on some ZZzz's. (Pronounced zeees cause dats how I roll)






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