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< 🔥 J POV 🔥 >

No one knew exactly what would happen when Grace died. Our wolves are directly linked to those of our mate's, and a wolf is directly linked to its human. In a normal situation, when one person died, their human would die, bringing their wolf along with them. It turn this often meant that their mate's wolf would die too and the final human along with them. In rare cases, the bond between the final wolf and human may be torn, enabling the final person to live on as an ordinary human, forever feeling empty. More common was the bond between wolf and wolf being broken, by rejection. This way the alive person lives on with their wolf but still feels incomplete without their mate.

I knew the moon goddess had a plan for Grace. When the heart monitor flatlined a tearing feeling began deep inside me. I had no idea which component of my being was linked to Grace, but I was praying it was the monster not Lucas.

In the end my prayers were answered. After and hour of painful seizures and blackouts I came back to consciousness feeling lighter. Grace was dead but she had not died for nothing. She had given me a chance to live without the monster. A life without the potential to kill all those that I loved. The monster was gone and Lucas was my only wolf.

We attended her funeral the next week. We cried. She was our girlfriend but not exactly our mate. We had rejected her. The monster was the one who held the connection to Grace. Now we no longer felt unconditional love towards the girl who had given up her life for us. I felt extreme regret as to how events played out but I accept this was Grace's choice.

Years after, I found my second chance mate Natalie. I never quite got over Grace but I found a way to be happy without her, and I am thankful everyday that she gave me the second chance at life that she never properly got.

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