His Favourite Thing About You

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Frodo: Your joy. Whenever other people are feeling down and low, you always do whatever you can to be thoughtful, considerate and to make them happy. He loves it when you meet new people and befriend them and you always bring a smile to everyone around you. When that didn't work, you just graciously let people take their time with their feelings until they're ready to catch joy from you.

Sam: Your generosity. Sam loves it when you help him with cooking and preparing meals whether for parties or for special occasions. And even when you're helping him with gardening and sharing the food you made with him and other people, he totally appreciates anything you do to make yourself a good person.

Pippin: Your mischief. As a mischievous person that sneaks into Farmer Maggot's field to get some carrots and or mushrooms, Pippin sometimes dares you to goof around the farmer's property even if you're hesitant about it. But Pippin understands that you're trying to be careful of your actions but won't force you too hard to do such thing. He also likes when you're playing tricks on people in a playful manner and pulling harmless pranks on them which can seriously turn into a PRANK PARTY!!

Merry: How bubbly you are. Whenever you and Merry hang out together, you get overjoyed about meeting him and both of you get all chatty about this/that and all the fun things you experienced together. You and Merry started to have feelings toward each other that you both have some stuff in common, and he's happy that you're his friend (same goes with Pippin, Frodo and Sam).

Aragorn: How patient you are. Whenever you feel overwhelmed from training or just feel frustrated about how your day was, he likes how well you're controlling your feelings and staying calm to be patient in order to reach your goals.

Legolas: Your kindness. Whether to the elders, young children, and the other people all ages, Legolas loves it when you treat everyone of any race with kindness (dwarves, hobbits, humans). Lastly, your love and respect towards all nature and everyone who live there (except evil creatures).

Gimli: How persistent you are. It makes him get into you when you never give up on your goals and/or competing against your rival in order for you to win. Why? Because who could ever forget all the moments about Gimli and Legolas' competition against each other to see who's best at killing all the baddies?

Boromir: Your intelligence. Although he is a lot more skilled in battle, importantly, Boromir likes how smart you are than any other men in his Kingdom. No matter how skillful and smart you want to be in battles, he is always glad to train you throughout the day until you gain even more skills and intelligence with your fighting. This could also let Boromir to prove every of his feelings for you and that you finally reached your goals more further.

Faramir: How humble you are. Faramir has never seen anyone so very humble in his Kingdom of Gondor, even after he lost both his brother and father. He began to have feelings towards you when he sees you being very humble towards everyone in the town, which would bring a new heart and personality to them to make great changes for Gondor.

Bilbo: Your hospitality. Whether to the refugees, the homeless or orphans, Bilbo likes how you welcome them over to your home and serving them food and drinks, so that they can have a new home and be your friends and later on, part of your family.

Thorin: How obedient you are. As a Dwarven King, Thorin is impressed about you listening to what others say, whether obeying your parents, teachers or elders (Minus doing bad stuff that people tell you to do). If you're not sure of what task that people give you, he also likes when you ask them for help/clarifications.

Thranduil: How sassy you are. This Elvenking is known for being sassy and trying to make himself look more fabulous of all the elves. He likes when you draw attention to others by doing your cool dance moves, so that you can bring more fun and sass to his Elven kingdom.

Elrond: How calm and peaceful you are, whether you're about to get panic attacks or freak out about something, he ensures that you're controlling your emotions calmly and peacefully, even when you're having a hard day or just feel bad about yourself. Elrond is also known for being calm, gentle and even-tempered. He likes when you meditate in a quiet place so that all your temper and bad mood will be gone.

Fili: Your smile, whenever he sees you smiling from ear to ear, he feels like he's seeing an angel lighting up the world with that special power of yours. He thinks you are sparkly and as radiant as diamonds in the sky.

Kili: Your aegyo. Kili is the only dwarf that's known for being cute, funny and smexy! He laughs and gets totally attracted to you when you act in a cute, adorable manner by voices/gestures/facial expressions which would draw attention to other girls who love Kili so that they can try do the same thing in order for him to love his fans!

Bard: How responsible you are. Ever since he lost his wife, Bard trusts you that you're responsible with your duties to ensure that his hometown is safe and sound, including his children Sigrid, Bain and Tilda especially if you're their babysitter. And he appreciates how caring and motherly you are towards them whether you're their nanny, family friend, or neighbor.

Author's Note: Aegyo is a Korean word for showing a cute way to draw attention by facial expressions, gestures or cute/baby voice.

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