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Requested by Camila_Grey

Growing up as an only human in the forest town of Mirkwood is almost everything that Camila lived her life through. Her beauty was extraordinary with Elven grace and features. Despite her race, she was treated with equality and respect by every Silvan Elves and she had became good friends with many of them, including a She-Elf, Tauriel.

Camila and Tauriel have been best friends since she moved into Mirkwood. Tauriel was as short as Camila's height. Both of them always went scouting through the forest and gossip about male Elves that they find them very handsome. The two friends also enjoyed swinging through the trees like Tarzan in the jungle. But unlike Tauriel, Camila falls from trees at times due to breaking some of the tree vines but she never gave up on it. It is because Tauriel has helped her with the woodland activities despite that Camila wasn't as super skillful as her. They sometimes even spy on male elves as if they were pretending that they scout, until they get busted by them and eventually confess and apologized. Although Camila and Tauriel are very good friends, but there was only one thing she was too hesitated with. It was training Camila to become a warrior like her.

One day, when the two friends were at the training room in the halls of King Thranduil, Camila was sitting and watching Tauriel shooting arrows and training new guards, the whole time. The WHOLE TIME. After Tauriel was done training the other Elves, Camila felt so bored without her Elven friend that she stood up to her feet approached Tauriel.

"I want to try too!" She said excitedly. "Let me!"

"Camila, you're not supposed to be learning combats at the moment." Tauriel told her.

"Says who?" Camila asked in a sassy voice.

"Says me." Tauriel replied, pointing at herself with her thumb.

"Oh come on, Tauriel. I've never learned to use weapons like these before." Camila nagged. "I've been practicing my fighting moves for a while despite my clumsiness! Well, at least without the weapons."

"Camila, you're too early to use these kinds of stuff." Tauriel responded.

"But I'm not a baby anymore." Camila said, pitch to her sass. "I want to learn how to fight!"

"Soon you will be, mellon." Her Elven friend said. "But not at this time. It's for me to protect you."

Protect me? Camila thought. She didn't understand exactly why Tauriel won't let her train to become a warrior like the Elves and other races and to be overprotective of her in this kind of subject. All she ever wanted was to be strong like any other warriors she heard of, despite she knew it's better for people to be themselves. For the whole day, she kept thinking why isn't she the only one whom Tauriel doesn't train her like the other elves she trains.

~Few days later~

One morning, Camila spent minutes of day dreaming of being a warrior, which she had wanted become when she grew up. Then, she heard a knock on the door of her house in the Mirkwood forest.

"Come in." She said. The door opened, and it was Tauriel.

"Hello, Tauriel." Camila said. "Can I help you with anything?"

"I have a cool surprise for you." Tauriel half smiled.

"What?" Camila asked.

"Come with me." Tauriel took her hand and they both walked out of her house and across the forest. Finally, they reached to the Mirkwood forest arena.

"Want to learn archery?" Tauriel asked Camila with a sneaky smile.

"You're kidding." Camila gave her a surprised look.

"Come on!" Tauriel said excitedly, taking her hand and rushed towards the rectangular shaped archery stage. She passed an Elven bow and arrows to Camila once they climbed up to it.

"Ready?" Tauriel asked, smiling sneakily.

"Sure." Camila replied.

The two girls stood on the stage with their archery stuff. Camila took out one of the arrows from her quiver and aimed it to one of the targets. With one of her eyes wide open. She released the arrow, but it didn't zoomed to the target. It fell on the floor in front of her. Tauriel giggled.

"Oh, Camila." She said. "You said you've been practicing."

"Yeah, but not the archery." Camila replied. "Only swordfighting like moves." She took out another arrow and readied her bow. She aimed for the target but the arrow landed on the quarter away from it. After few minutes of trying to reach for the target, Tauriel decided to demonstrate with Camila.

"Alright. I'll show you." She said. "You should keep your shoulders relaxed." Tauriel places her hands on Camila's shoulder as she prepared her bow and arrow. "The bow should be flexible with your movements."

"Alright." Camila said. She tried to keep her shoulders relaxed while holding her bow and arrow readied and aimed for the target.

"And keep your both eyes open." Tauriel reminded. "That way, you will clearly see which target you are aiming for."

Camila did as she was told and took her aim for the target. "And now, you can shoot." Tauriel finally said. Then Camila released her arrow and it flew straight to the target. The arrow pinned through the target halfway from the bullseye.

"Hmm," Camila said. "That's not bad!"

"See?" Tauriel smiled. "This is how you can successfully shoot the target!"

"Thanks, mellon." Camila smiled back. "Your turn."

Tauriel readied her own bow. A curved green wooden bow with some white-ish trimming on the ends of it. She aimed for the target and released the arrow. Her arrow flew straight to the target and hit right into the bullseye.

"Wow! You're so good!" Camila said in awe.

"Why thank you." The elleth responded in her charming manner.

For the rest of  the morning, Camila and Tauriel practiced with archery. Camila learned fast with the skills and she even got the bullseye while shooting arrows at the target. As morning passed, she felt somewhat tired. Tauriel was not as tired as she was which is normal for elves because they do not really need much sleep.

"Feeling exhausted already?" Tauriel asked.

"Well, kind of. Hehe." Camila shrugged. "I think it's soon to be noon. Want to go for lunch?"

"Alright, sure!" Tauriel smiled. "We can head back to King Thranduil's palace."

"After that, we can do some more training there." Camila added. Tauriel smiled. Both of the girls climbed up to the tree for some Tarzan swinging.

"I'll race you back there." Camila winked and took a long vine rope and swung from the tree with a zoom followed by Tauriel. The two best friends swung from tree to tree back to the palace of Thranduil for lunch.

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