Legolas X Thranduil (Part 2)

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"Lasgalen, wake up!" Legolas said frantically.

"Huh...? Where am I?" Lasgalen blinked her eyes, she felt her brother, Tauriel and Hérion's presence nearby though she could only see darkness because she was still wearing a dark cloth bag under her face. It was nearly evening, but none of the Elves were hungry. It was almost time for them to go back home and King Thranduil will be worrying about them by now.

"I don't know." Legolas whispered. "I feel like we're tied up to a tree or something."

"Yeah, hanar." Lasgalen replied. "I can't even move. Got any weapons with you?"

"Yeah." He said. "I can feel my daggers fastened on my back."

"Are you two alright there?" Tauriel called out. She and Hérion were also tied up to a tree but they were few meters away from the Prince and the Princess.

"My head is spinning." Lasgalen replied. "I'm losing too much blood...and it hurts so much!"

"Cut it out, will you?" An Orc yelled as he came up to the four Elves and roughly pulled the cloth bags off of their faces. "Quit your whining!"

"Says an Orc who injured our Princess and taken us captive!" Hérion spat out to the Orc. "We need to get back home in the evening!"

"Why, you Elf-scum?" He turned to Hérion's attention. "Because your daddy worries sick about you?" The orc asked in a baby voice. Then he started to mock him like an immature five year-old. "Oh, boo-hoo-hoo! Where are you, my wittle elfie-scummie? I mwiss you so mwuch__"

"SHUT UP!!" Lasgalen yelled as she kicked a dirt at the Orc. "Leave our guard alone!"

"And who are you to defend him, She-Elf?!" The Orc turned his filthy wrinkled face towards Lasgalen.

"We're NOT suppose to talk to strangers!" Legolas growled. "Especially YOU!"

"I wasn't talking to you!" He growled back.

"Tell me who you are RIGHT NOW!!" The Orc looked straight into her glaring eyes.

"I would kill you if you dare to hurt me again, filth!" Lasgalen hissed.

The Orc turned his head away from her and froze for the moment. He then turned back to Lasgalen and smacked her across the face, leaving a red mark on it.

"NO!" Tauriel yelled in anguish.

"STOP IT!!" Legolas yelled angrily, squirming to free himself from being tied up to the tree.

"Leave our Princess alone! Please!" Hérion cried out. The Orc didn't pay any attention to him.

Lasgalen glared up to the Orc. "Why you..." She quietly hissed.

"Oh, you want some more, huh, She-Elf?" He grinned as he raised his hand. But before the Orc could smack Lasgalen again, a silver spear impaled through his neck out of nowhere. That was the moment when the army of Elves, including King Thranduil were on their way to wipe off the Orcs that took his children and two other Silvan Elves captive. Thranduil wielded his long dual blades and slashed off the remaining Orcs while few other Elven soldiers cut the ropes and set the four Elves free from the trees. Then it was finally over.

"Ada, we tried to__" Lasgalen began to explain but she was cut off by her father. He glared down at her and Legolas in anger and disappointment.

"What did I tell you about going into the forest?!" He growled at them.

"But Ada, we didn't mean for___" Lasgalen continued to tried to explain but the King wouldn't let her finish.

"Let's just go home!" The King snapped and trotted off with his elk, leaving his son and daughter sigh and had their heads down in disappointment and shame. Tauriel and Hérion came up to them.

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