》 21 《

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"I'll get off here," Taehyung told the uber driver, referring to the modern grey house on their right. The driver stopped and Taehyung got out the car, Jungkook trailing behind him.

"Just a minute," Jungkook tells the driver, closing the car door and walking up toTaehyung's doorstep.

"I had fun today, I'm really glad I met you," Taehyung beams.

"I had fun too. Uh, um..we should do this again. I mean, do you- do you want to?"

"Sure! You have my number and info already. Plus, now you know where I live so now you know where to find me.""Great. I guess see you soon then, take care, Tae."

"You too Kook."

Jungkook began to walk back to the uber, "Oh and Taehyung?" he stops in his tracks and turns around again.


"I'll text you."

Taehyung grins, "Of course. I'll be waiting.""Alright, well.. goodnight."

"Goodnight." Taehyung unlocks his door and waves at Jungkook before heading inside, Jungkook waving back at him from inside the car.

Thrill Ride 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now