》 79 《

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Jungkook stepped up to Jimin and Yoongi's front step. That's weird. The door is wide open? Jungkook walked inside the house, phone in his hand to dial Jimin. Jungkook dropped his phone as he stared at what what he found in front of him. On the couch was a tied up Taehyung, face full of cuts, bruises and dried blood.


Taehyung was screaming through the cloth tied around his mouth, "What did he do to you, oh my god..." Jungkook's voice cracked as he started to cry. It's not that easy to see your boyfriend after he's been missing for weeks and when you see him again, he's broken-- inside and out. Jungkook was filled with anger, relief and sadness. He was angry at Unknown for doing this to his Taehyung, he was relieved to see that Taehyung was at least still alive, and he was sad to see how awful Taehyung looked. How dare Unknown hurt him.

But, something isn't right. Finding Taehyung can't be this easy.

Jungkook rushed to Taehyung and tried to untie him, but all Taehyung did was continue screaming.

"Don't worry it's okay, I'm here. You're safe now." Jungkook assured, fiddling with the knots tied around Taehyung. Taehyung started to scream muffled screams louder and began to shake his head. His feet were kicking the floor and Jungkook had no idea why. When Jungkook turned around, that's when he found the answer. He was knocked out by someone hitting his head with God knows what.

Jungkook woke up with a throbbing head and he could feel blood dripping down the side of his head, "Ah, shit."

He suddenly remembered what happened before he got knocked out, he panicked and looked around. Taehyung was gone again. He was in what seemed to be an old attraction of an amusement park left abandoned. Was this the old part of Stargaze? Damn it, he knew he should have accepted Joon's offer of still going with him, despite the original plan being cancelled.

"Hello, Jungkook," the man behind the black face mask greets.

"Where's Taehyung?!"

"You'll find out later."

"Why... why are you doing all of this? Who are you?"

"You really don't remember, huh?" The man began to take off his mask.

"Y-Yoon-ngi?" Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes. Why was Yoongi behind all of this? What did he do to Yoongi?



"Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi. Everyone fucking says Yoongi. I'm not Yoongi!"

"Who... who are you then?"

"The kid whose life you all ruined."


"Oh please, you really have no clue? How dumb are you? Or did you really forget?"

"Look, I don't know why you took my friends and my boyfriend. I don't know where Jimin went when he cancelled out. I don't know why you're here claiming that you aren't Yoongi. I don't know why you're so mad at me. I don't know what I did to you, okay? For both our sakes, it'd be better if you just tell me everything right now."

"Min Yeonha. Ring a bell?"

Jungkook thought hard, he tried to remember if he ever met someone by that name before.

"Y-yeonha... brother of.....Min J-Jinsoo?"

"There you go. Now do you remember, huh?"

"That was twelve years ago!"

"Correct. Twelve years ago when you, Seokjin and Hoseok killed my brother."

"We didn't kill him! It was an accident!"

"No, it wasn't. He wanted to befriend you all. He was nice to you and all he wanted was to be accepted. But what did you all do?You all fucking led him deep in those woods 'til he got lost. Until he couldn't find his way back. Until it rained. Until he died."

Twelve years ago, Jungkook, Seokjin and Hoseok went to the same school as Jinsoo, Yoongi and Yeonha's younger brother. Yes, they had a younger brother.

Jinsoo was the same age as Jimin and Taehyung-- they were nine back then. Jungkook was seven, Seokjin was twelve and Hoseok was ten. Yoongi was eleven, it was the time when Yeonha didn't actually exist yet. But that fact didn't last for so long. Yoongi and Jinsoo were orphans. They lived with different people for years, yet they always ended up back at the orphanage. All was well, if Yoongi and his brother didn't live in the orphanage then he wouldn't have met Jimin, who happened to be the orphanage owner's son. Yoongi and his brother were abused by their father ever since Yoongi was six and Jinsoo was four. Their mother was killed by their alcoholic father one night and he ended up killing himself after. The two brothers were deeply traumatized and the orphanage owned by Jimin's family ended up taking them in. All the kids in the orphanage learned at the orphanage, teachers would come and teach them everyday. Except for Yoongi and Jinsoo. The two went to school at Jimin's school as well. Jimin's mother felt awfully bad for what happened to Yoongi and Jinsoo, so she decided to send them to the same school as her son-- all expenses paid by her. When they started school, it wasn't easy to make friends. Even Jimin didn't know Yoongi that time and vice versa, despite Jimin's mother's care for him. Yoongi was individual, he isolated himself from everyone else while his brother decided to look for friends.

Jinsoo met a group of three boys at school. Jungkook, Seokjin and Hoseok. The boys weren't interested in letting Jinsoo join them, but they agreed to give him a chance. Well, Hoseok and Seokjin did. Jungkook followed whatever his hyungs did. Five years after, their school had a fieldtrip at the woods. Each grade had to learn about nature and hiking. Yoongi was busy doing the activities they gave out and worked with his best friend Jimin while he let Jinsoo hang out with his "friends". Being stupid young kids, Hoseok and Seokjin thought it would be funny to get Jinsoo lost in the woods, crying for his older brother after. So, they lied to him about playing hide and seek. They went deeper in the woods and told him to count as Seokjin and Hoseok ran away, little Jungkook trailing behind them. Their plan succeeded, Jinsoo got lost.

He was left behind crying out for his brother Yoongi to come save him. It took hours and hours, Jinsoo was missing and the staff and older students worked together to find Jinsoo. Yoongi was worried to death, he couldn't lose his brother. He was the only one he had. Even Seokjin and Hoseok helped look too but when they went back to where they left him, all they could say was, "He's gone. This is where we left him."

Then it began to rain.

Jungkook being young and clueless, decided to go play in the rain with the older kids. He played soccer with them, the ball was muddy as hell and so was he-- he slipped on fresh mud and fell on his butt twice already. One kid booted the ball towards him too far that it ended up passing him and landed somewhere deep within the woods. He volunteered to get it and the others let him. When Jungkook found the ball under a tree, he heard sniffling and whining nearby. "Hyung" the voice cried. Jungkook followed where the noise was coming from. He was taken aback to find Jinsoo holding on for dear life onto a ground plant root. Jinsoo was on the verge of a steep part of the woods. If he let go he would sure end up dead, he would roll down and land at the bottom where a bunch of giant rocks were. And that's exactly how it went. Jungkook was too scared to help Jinsoo when the boy screamed for help. Jungkook looked at him and made eye contact with the boy who had eyes filled with tears, face and clothes covered in mud and rain shouted "help" at him. He wanted to help, but what could he do? He was seven, he barely knew how things in the world worked. He was scared to go near Jinsoo and he was scared that he might end up like the other. So, he ran away and ignored the cries behind him. Eventually it rained harder, the ground got even more slippery and caused Jinsoo to slip and fall to the end of his (eight--almost nine) years of living.

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