》 39 《

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Jungkook didn't even bother to call Taehyung, he went straight to his house and when he got to Taehyung's front door, he panicked when the door was unlocked. Because of this, Jungkook easily got into Taehyung's house. This wasn't the way Jungkook imagined would be his first time visiting Taehyung's house, but what choice does he have? The boy never responded to his texts and he was afraid that "Unknown" has something to do with the situation. Well, he wasn't completely wrong.

When he made his way upstairs he walked to the first door he saw and knocked, "Tae? You in there?" It didn't even take long for the door to rapidly open and next thing Jungkook knew, a crying Taehyung latched onto him, his arms around Jungkook's neck and his legs wrapped around Jungkook's waist as if he was a koala. Jungkook didn't expect what just happened, but he was relieved Taehyung was safe. He knew Taehyung was going through something. So, he hugged him back and slowly walked back to the crying one's bed with Taehyung in his arms. Jungkook didn't care if his favourite hoodie was soaked in tears. As long as they were Taehyung's tears, it didn't matter to him.

Jungkook sat them down on the bed, "What's wrong?" he said in his softest voice. Taehyung had to admit, just hearing that made him feel less blue. Jungkook's voice sounded so gentle and sincere, it made him feel warm inside. "I.. I just m-miss, m-miss my d-dad so m-much," Taehyung struggled to say. He was hiccupping due to crying for majority of the day.

It's good that the lights were off and the only light source in the room was the moonlight shining through the open-curtained windows. It meant Jungkook didn't have to see Taehyung's tired, puffy eyes and red nose that much. Otherwise, he didn't think he'd be able to handle it.

"I was fine earlier, b-but I su-suddenly rememb-bered him again and I j-just want t-to see h-him one more t-time."

"Tae, I know how hard it is for you, but I want you to stay strong okay? It's not easy seeing you all broken like this. I know how much you miss your dad butI'm sorry because I can't do anything about that to help you. He misses you too but I don't think he'd be happy to see you like this. Even if he's not there for you physically, you know he's always there right? I'm sure your dad loves you just as much you love himand I'm sure he wants to see and hold you just like you do, but Tae, life goes on. You need to be positive. Think about it this way, you can use him as your inspiration for everything you do. Think about how proud you'll make him. Though, I can assure you that he's very proudof the person you've become today. You're the kindest, funniest, most special person I've ever met Taehyung. Never ever forget that." Jungkook held Taehyung's hands and smiled at him.

"Now, let's go on a night adventure."

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