》 47 《

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Jungkook was in a heavy black cloud, he started to hear noises-- the buzz of machines and clicking of feet near him and quiet talking. He lay still, straining to hear and make sense of it all. Where was he? Jungkook feels some light shining on his closed eyes, a pink glow. He opened them to see Taehyung sleeping on the side of his bed, head buried in his arms. Jungkook looked at the clock on the wall. 3:09 AM.


Everyone's heads turned to him, Taehyung waking up instantly.

"Jungkook oh my THANK GOD! How are you? Do you feel any pain???" Taehyung questioned, immediately climbing onto Kook's bed to sit on top and between his legs.


"Where??? Tell us!"

"In my heart... because our date sucked again."

"Are you fucking serious? Jungkook why would you even think about that?? You're what's important right now, okay?"


"No but, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, it stings a bit but I'll be okay. What about you? Are you okay?"

"You know what, we've been here for five hours yet you two don't even acknowledge our presence so see ya. Joon and I will go and get Jungkook some clothes. Bye~" Jin complained, dragging Namjoon with him out the door.

"Oh. Oops. Sorry Hyung!!" Jungkook called after them. He turned back to Taehyung, "So? Are you okay?"

"Yes Jungkook I'm fine, don't worry."

"You know, when I got stabbed... I wasn't even scared for myself. I was afraid that he might've hurt you too. I tried standing up and getting you out of there, sorry that I failed to."

"Listen up Kook, you need to stop thinking about me. In situations like that, you should think about yourself. What happens if you think about me and I'm already taken down? What'll happen to us then? If that did happen, I would've wanted you to run, at least get help instead of both of us dying or something."

"How can I stop thinking about you when you're literally the only thing inside my head every second?"


"Look, Tae. If you ever did happen to be taken down I wouldn't run. I'd stay with you until our last second alive. Honestly, if you were to disappear from my life now, I wouldn't be able to live. I don't know what I'd do without you."


"When I was laying on your lap, bleeding... I realized what my biggest fear was."


"It's not for you to be hurt, it's losing you that scares me. Last night I thought I actually was going to die." Taehyung giggled, "You're extra, you know that?"

"Like I said, I wasn't scared of death either, I was scared thinking I'd die without telling you how much I love you." Taehyung's heart was beating swiftly. Damn it, why does Jungkook always have to make him feel flushed? And, did he really just tell Taehyung he loved him?

"Taehyung, I've never been so whipped for someone as much as I am for you. No joke, even ask Namjoon and Jin hyung. Tae, you're literally the reason why I'm glad to wake up everyday. Regardless of how long we've known each other, I can say with my whole heart that you're all I want. All I need to feel complete. I want to protect, love and support you endlessly every single day. Would you let me do that Tae?"

"I uh... what do you mean?"

"I want you to be mine. Kim Taehyung, will you be my boyfriend?"

To be completely honest, Taehyung was tearing up but he was holding his tears back. He's never felt this way before, only Jungkook made him feel like this.

"Of course, you idiot. I love you too," he smiled and pulled Jungkook into a hug.

They were startled when someone spoke up, "Well then. That's a great way to ask someone to be your boyfriend," Jin said sarcastically.

"I thought you guys left?" Taehyung asked.

"MY idiot forgot the keys on the table."

"Sometimes I actually hate you," Namjoon sighed.

"Ha. No you don't."

Thrill Ride 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now