》 31 《

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Taehyung coughed, trying to get the water out of his system. Jungkook sat next to him, waiting for him to calm down and rubbed soothing circles on Taehyung's back.

"You're okay" was what Jungkook kept repeating to Taehyung. However, as soon as the boy regained his awareness, tears started to flow down from his eyes. Jungkook was surprised, but he knew that Taehyung was just probably scared. Or so, he thought that was just it. Taehyung's cries didn't stop, even if Jungkook told him a bunch ofcomforting words. And so, Jungkook ended up hugging him, holding the crying mess in his arms and continued to whisper reassuring things into Taehyung's ear, patting his back and telling him that it's over and he's safe now. It took Taehyung awhile to completely collect himself again, moving away from the hug to wipe away his tears. Though, he didn't expect for Jungkook to pull him back closer to him and wipe his tears using his thumbs, giving him a heartening grin."You okay now Tae?"

"Um, yeah. Sorry you had to see that. I just- it's.. it's nothing."

"Okay, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'll take you home, yeah?"


Jungkook stood up first then offered his hand out for Taehyung to help him get up. After showering and changing into their casual clothing, Jungkook drove Taehyung home safely, turning the radio up a little to eliminate the awkward silence. Jungkook stopped his car in  Taehyung's driveway and turned the engine off.

It was completely silent until Taehyung spoke up, "It- It's my dad."

Jungkook turned to him, meeting his glossy eyes that looked back at him.

"Your dad?"

"When I was little, my dad and I went rafting together. But.. it, it started raining and a big storm came," Taehyung paused, closing his eyes for some time. "The boat tipped and we fell in. I had a life jacket but he didn't, I got back on the boat, I was screamingfor him but he didn't respond. I got rescued the next day when they found me in the middle of nowhere. I've never seen my dad for years, then, we got a call. They said they found him.... but not alive anymore."

By the time Taehyung finished, he was yet again a sobbing mess.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook whispered, putting his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"No, it's fine. That was years ago. I guess it just all came back to me today. I'm sorry for cutting this day short, but I want to thank youfor hanging out with me again, I had lots of fun even if that happened. Thank you for comforting me as well, you're a very nice and considerate person, I really appreciate that."

"Don't apologize Tae, neither of us had nothing to do with it. And, if you need me I'm here for you,I want you to know and remember that, okay?"

Taehyung nodded.

"You should get going Tae. It's been a long day for you. Get some rest, eat and just relax alright? Don't think about things too much. I'll check on you later too."

"Alright, thank you so much Kook."


Taehyung beamed at Jungkook before getting out of his car. He watched Taehyung walk up to his door, unlocking it and finally going inside before pulling out of the driveway and driving himself home.

Thrill Ride 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now