》 46 《

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"Hi I have two online tickets under Kim Taehyung," Taehyung told the person at the ticket booth. He's actually never been to an escape room, this being the first and with Jungkook too. No, they aren't official yet, but what's with that? Are labels needed to hang out?

"Ah yes right here," the lady said, clicking on his name and verifying the code.

"You're in. Now, how this works is you get this box of clues, but first you must find the three-digit code to the box's lock. It should be self explanatory once you start. There are instructions that will be provided throughout as well. The room will be locked for an hour, you have one hour to figure out how to get out or it's game over. The main twist is the antagonist of the theme you've chosen, which is: 'a killer on the loose'. Get out of the room before the killer finds you.. That's your main goal. Remember, one hour or game over. Are you ready?"

Both boys were too excited to answer but they managed to respond with "yes" in unison.

"323! That's the code! If you look at the date the last missing person was killed, it's March 23

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"323! That's the code! If you look at the date the last missing person was killed, it's March 23. 3, 2, 3" Taehyung explained.



"Today is March 23."

"Oh hell no. This shit just got real."

"They really planned this, amazing."

"I know right."

The two managed to open the box of clues and decode the details. They were also given materials coming from the walls. Things such as a black light flashlight, a regular flashlight and a tablet from the game. Their phones were confiscated in the beginning so they won't be able to cheat. That's what makes the game fun right? You actually have to find your way out of it.

Taehyung and Jungkook almost solved everything else, except the last two problems. One, "who am i?" Find out who the killer is. Two, "run". Find the key and get out before you lay in a pool of your own blood.

"Who do you think the killer is? A, B or C?" Taehyung asked.

"I think it might be C. C held a grudge against the victim."

"Okay, how about A though? A has known the victim for a long time and they were close."

Why did Jungkook get goosebumps all of a sudden? Is it because he remembered about the unknown number who threatens him? Wow, this game reflects Jungkook in a way.

"Fuck! Two minutes Jungkook! Choose!"



Jungkook blinked at the screen, reading the result of their answer. "GAME OVER" it read.

"Taehyung we lo--" before he could even finish his sentence, he winced at the sharp pain piercing through his left side. Jungkook looked and all the life drained out of him once he saw a man wearing all black behind him, black mask, black cap, black outfit. Unknown.

"Game over," the man whispers.


Taehyung didn't catch a glimpse of the man, he ran out before Taehyung could look closer.

"Jungkook!" He was panicking by now, tears were making their way down his face and his hands started to shake as he lifted Jungkook's head to his lap from the ground and patching Jungkook's wound with his own hands. "Jungkook! Listen to me, just hold on, I'll get some help! Please okay.. just hang tight!" Taehyung replaced his hands with Jungkook's to patch the wound, thankfully Jungkook was still responding.

Taehyung's vision was blurry from the tears, he stumbled when he got up and ran out of the room, gasping when he saw the lady earlier knocked out on the ground. Tape on her mouth and some rope around her wrists. What Taehyung didn't expect was to see a man standing a few feet outside the main entrance, black outfit, black cap and a disposable black mask thrown onto the ground next to his foot. The man had a surprised expression on his face, before Taehyung had a chance to talk or do something, he fled and ran to who knows where. Taehyung decided not to chase him, he might get himself in more trouble and he can't afford to do that when Jungkook is depending on him.

Were his eyes deceiving him though? Or did he really just see one of his close friends at the scene, running away after Taehyung spotted him? Was it really...

..Jung Hoseok?

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