》 77 《

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Jimin didn't intend to wake up yet, but he was forced to when he suddenly couldn't breathe and he felt hands gripped around his neck.

"Y-yeon-yeonh-ha!" He choked.

Yeonha lets go of him, Jimin gasps for air and begins to cough.

"I told you to keep your mouth shut, did I not?"

"Wh.. How did you-"

"I have your phone tapped."


"Look, you're really getting on my nerves. I don't know why Yoongi loves you so much. You're like a fucking leech."

"If you hate me so much then go away. Let Yoongi come back. No one wants you here shitface."

"I don't need to hear that bullshit. I came here to make sure you don't get in my way. Not to argue."


Yeonha walks toward the door, "Bye, bye," he smirks. He shuts the door and Jimin could hear him lock it from the other side. Since when the fuck did he change their damn doorknob?

"Yeonha! Let me out!" Jimin bangs on the door, even trying to kick it down.

"Not today," Yeonha lets out a faint laugh which Jimin hears through the door, then hears his footsteps walking away further and further until he couldn't hear them anymore.

"Fuck," Jimin rushes to the side table beside his and Yoongi's bed, searching  for his phone. Not there. He looked under the covers and pillows too-- nothing.

Well played. The fucker stole his phone. What was he supposed to do now?

Thrill Ride 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now