》 40 《

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"Why are we here?" Taehyung asked, looking up at the gate of "Stargaze Amusement Park". It was where they first met, neither having a person to go on most rides with. Taehyung was dragged to the back fence of the park, not having a clue what was going on."Okay I'll give you a boost to climb over, ready?"

"WHAT? Are you trying to get us arrested Jungkook?"

"It's a night adventure isn't it? Plus, if we do get caught... At least we're in it together."

"No, no, YOU can get caught. I'm n-- PUT ME DOWN KOOK!" Taehyung was trying to squirm out of Jungkook's hold. Knowing he couldn't, he just did what the other said as he was lifted up almost half way of the fence. He grabbed onto it and started to climb over, carefully jumping down on the other side. Jungkook followed right behind him, taking Taehyung's hand and dragging him again, this time to the "Mirror Tower".

The sign outside of it read, "Find your way up and reach for the sun".

"Tch. What sun? It's twelve thirty in the morning," Taehyung scoffed.

Jungkook giggled, "Let's go," entering under the entrance bar.

The tower was dark, but if Taehyung was being honest... he loved it. He's the person who's always in it for the fun, just like Jungkook. And well, this seemed pretty fun.

Jungkook turned the flashlight on his phone on and Taehyung did the same. The tower was packed withmirror walls, it confused them both but hey, wasn't that the point? Taehyung tried to find his way through the tower, bumping into his own reflection every now and then and Jungkook quietly laughing at him. Eventually, they made it through the end where they found a set of mirror stairs that led up to a higher level.

Carefully, they went up and arrived at what seemed to be a small balcony. Jungkook went out first, putting his hands on the railing and looking at the night view of the city. It made sense, the amusement park was just outside of the central city, so they had a good view of the night life. When Taehyung looked at Jungkook with his back facing taehyung, he couldn't help but admire what was in front of him-- the river reflecting the moon, the lights of the buildings and of course.. the reason that they were both where they are now. Taehyung launched his camera app and took a picture without Jungkook noticing. He put his phone in his pocket and walked to Jungkook and watched the scenery with him. It was all breathtaking. Who knew the night could be so beautiful?



"Thank you."




"Thank you for doing this, for getting me away from my problems. Thank you for all the things that you told me, telling me how special I am. Thank you for being here even if we haven't known each other for a long time, thank you for being my friend.. one of the bests, actually. Thank you for making me realize how life does go on. Thank you for all our adventures together. Thank you for being you. Thank you for making me happy. And for.. for.... making my heart flutter everytime I'm with you... or even just talking to you through the phone, facetiming you or even through text. Thank you for caring for me, asking how my day was and listening to my rants for the past two weeks. Thank you for all your good mornings and goodnights, making me feel that I'm not alone."

Jungkook had no idea how to respond to everything Taehyung just told him, his brain was barely processing the moment. Instead, he took Taehyung's hands in his and laced their fingers together, "Taehyung?"

"You know why I did all those things? Why I basically brokein to your house so late? Why I brought you here?"


"Because... I.."


"Because... because I'm falling for you."

"Want to know why I just said all of that too?"


"Because I'm falling for you too," Jungkook didn't even get to respond, Taehyung already had his lips pressed against Jungkook's.

Thrill Ride 》 Taekook/Vkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now