》 50 《

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"Jungkook, Tae,"


"It's Hoseok. He's missing," Jin announced with a serious expression.


"Jin and I went to his house to set things straight. He wasn't there," Namjoon explains.

"Of course he'd be missing, who wouldn't run away after they're caught red-handed?" Jungkook responds.

"Kook, I don't think that's the reason he's missing. We all know Hoseok hyung. He's not the type of person to do such a thing."

"Tae, people have other sides of them that no one knows about."

"I know Jungkook, but things just don't seem to add up."

"Also, you know that duffel bag he brings all over the place? He should have packed that or even packed ANY clothes but his closet is full and the bag is there too. If he were to run and hide he would have at least packed something." Jin adds.

"Not only that. His car is there. We all know how hard he's worked for his car. He wouldn't leave that either," Namjoon voices.

"So what are you guys saying?" Jungkook inquires.

"Baby, Hoseok hyung might have been... taken?"


"Kook, have you ever done anything bad to Hoseok?" Jin questions.


"Then he doesn't have something against you, correct?"

"I guess.."

"Seokjin and I will keep looking for Hoseok, Tae and Kook you guys stay here and be careful. Be alert at all times. We don't know who the culprit really is for sure yet."

"Okay hyung. Be careful too."

"We will."

Namjoon and Seokjin bid their goodbyes, leaving the other couple in the hospital room.

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