》 68 《

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Taehyung coughed out blood, "Fuck you," he spat.

"How many more hits do you think you can take?" The man laughed.

"What did we do to you? What did Jungkook do to you?"

"You don't need to know that."

"We deserve to know why in the fuck you kidnapped us."

Three days ago, Taehyung was brought to the same, dark and isolated place Seokjin and Hoseok were. He saw the other two that night, both exhausted and tied up to their own cart. Hoseok looked so drained and his eyes were groggy. Seokjin looked somewhat better, but he had cuts on his face and looked as if he threw daggers to Unknown's back when he wasn't looking. The other two were shocked to see Taehyung being hauled by the man. They screamed and scuffled to break free. Of course, none of that worked. They couldn't do anything but watch Taehyung get tied up just like they were, each of them seperated in different carts. Nevertheless, Taehyung was tied the farthest out of the three. For the past few days, Seokjin and Hoseok had no choice but to watch Taehyung getting beat to a pulp. It hurt to see Taehyung being treated like that. What hurt more is the fact that they couldn't do anything to help him. Regardless of how loud their screams were, even if a few people heard them, they think that those were screams coming from the people enjoying rides at Stargaze.

Unknown didn't hurt Seokjin and Hoseok as much as he hurt Taehyung. It was probably because Taehyung was the most valuable one to Jungkook. It was to Unknown's advantage. The man even gave Seokjin and Hoseok a little food within the days they've spent at the abandoned attractions. One of their hands would be untied to be able to eat. They tried to escape, but the knots on their other hand and feet were too tight to be unknotted using one hand.

Taehyung wasn't fed. Unknown left him to starve everytime he leaves, then he comes back to hit Tae. The two other boys would throw him some food sometimes, just so he would survive. His body is already probably half broken, it was diffucult for him to breathe after getting beat. Starving would end up completely killing him. Taehyung swore he wanted to give up and accept his fate. He was going to die. But he didn't. He kept thinking of Jungkook. Jungkook will come and find him. He'll take him home and protect him. He'll hug him and he won't let go. Someday he will be able to go back in Jungkook's arms. Jungkook-- he's who kept taehyung fighting. And Taehyung? He was the one that kept Jungkook from giving up.

Even apart, they still remained each other's strength.

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