》 56 《

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"You want us to cool off, knowing Hoseok hyung and Seokjin hyung are in danger?" Jungkook blinked.

"Yes, and no. Jungkook, you were his first and his main target. You need to keep safe, same with Taehyung. We don't know what we're dealing with if I were to say the truth, but you need to listen to me and do what I told you. I'll be gone and I'll be tracking down whoever is behind that unknown number using Jin's phone and your number. Kook, like I said I'll be taking your sim card so his next texts will be sent to me. If he threatens you again I'll make sure to tell you what he sent so you can keep an eye out."

"You're telling me I have to get a new number now?"

Taehyung hit Jungkook's arm lightly, "He's being serious Kookie. Listen."

Jungkook sighed, "Hyung, you're going to get yourself in deep shit."

"I know what I'm doing, Kook. Just, go with my plan, alright?"

"What if something happens to you? Where will we find you? How will we find you? You'll leave us with three friends to find."

"Don't think about that. I'll be careful. Oh and since Unknown knows where you live,you need to stay somewhere else besides your house."

"That's no problem, hyung. He can stay with me," Taehyung comments.

"Good. I'll get going now. Since you're getting discharged today, go home and get some rest. You need to heal quickly. Taehyung?"


"Take care of Jungkook. You two be careful, call me when anything happens."

"Yes hyung. Stay safe, okay?"

"I will. I'll see you both soon. Make sure to lock your doors and windows at home, Taehyung."

"I will."

Unknown thought it would be easy to mess with someone like Namjoon. However, he didn't know that Namjoon wasn't just a typical guy who worked for a research and development company. Oh no, in fact, Namjoon was an innovative private investigator. He worked for a lot of people, being a part-time employee for a research and development company was just a cover up.. and to get extra information with the resources of their company.

Why didn't he help Jungkook when he first told him about Unknown? It's because Jungkook doesn't know about Namjoon's real career. No one did, except Seokjin. If he helped Jungkook earlier, it would have gotten in the way of his last mission. Plus, he thought Unknown was just someone full of words, like he has been the whole month bothering Jungkook. He didn't expect for Unknown to actually take action.

He's good at his job, he investigated on many people, including the ones who went missing. He found the ones that needed to be found, dead or alive. Now this time his next task is to find his boyfriend. And for sure, alive.

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