》 70 《

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"Hyung? Where are you going? It's eleven at night," Jimin wondered, tilting his head in curiousity as he watched Yoongi change.

"I'm going for a walk."

"This late?"

"Why do you care?"

"You know what? I'm tired of your shit. I only care about you but lately you've been acting like a dick. Do what you want, see if I care anymore," Jimin grunts. He doesn't let Yoongi say anything back, he just puts in his earphones and tucks himself in bed. Fuck Yoongi.

Jimin hears the door shut. Well, he never had music playing anyways. He takes the earbuds off and rushes out if bed. He quickly puts on his hoodie that was hung at the headboard and followed Yoongi out. He waits until Yoongi turns the lights off and leaves the house, peeking from the stairway before going downstairs and slipping his shoes on. He turns the doorknob gently and peeks through the small opening before stepping out and quietly shutting the door behind him. He caught a glimpse of Yoongi walking towards main downtown-- they did live within downtown after all.

What was Yoongi up to? At this hour? Whatever it is, Jimin is going to find out himself.

He better not be cheating on him if he doesn't want to find himself thrown out of their shared apartment, begging for Jimin's forgiveness and sympathy.

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