》 62 《

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Jimin was scared, now he was alone trying to lose a man who could end up kidnapping or killing him while Taehyung made his important call. He left the clothing store and decided to rush to where his boyfriend was. The man kept trailing behind, getting closer and closer each step.

By now Jimin felt like his heart would jump out of his chest. He ran to the cafe but Yoongi wasn't there. He looked around but there was no sign of the blonde. Jimin decided to go and hide somewhere. Perhaps a dressing room or even behind a rack of clothes would do. This time he ran, on his way to the nearest clothing outlet. Turning the corner, he bumped into someone and fell on the ground. This is it. He's done for, he thought. He looked up at who he bumped to, hoping to get some help to get away from the one following him.

No words can describe how relieved he was to see his boyfriend standing in front him, holding his phone to his ear and staring down at Jimin. Yoongi puts his phone back in his pocket, "God, I've been looking for you," he says, giving Jimin a hand to stand up.

"Hyung~" Jimin whined, immediately clinging on to Yoongi.

"What's wrong baby? And why are you wearing Taehyung's clothes?"

Jimin noticed the man following him walk past them, he let out a loud sigh, "I was so scared. Do you remember that Unknown guy Tae told me about? I think he was following us... well, Tae. We switched clothes to confuse him and I ended up being the one followed while Taehyung went a different way. He followed me until you came."

"Glad to know he knows his place. He tries and lay a finger on you and he'll see."

"Ahh my hero~~" Jimin giggled.

Jimin was the type of person who handles serious things well. He can be serious but right after he gets himself out of the situation, the bubbly bright Jimin returns. That's one of Yoongi's favourite things about him.

"Jimin!" Jungkook called, getting the couple's attention.

"Jungkook oh my god where were you?? Did you find Tae?"

"He said to meet him at the coffee shop. He wasn't there though."

And just after a few seconds, a running Taehyung appears behind Jungkook, "KOOOOK!"

Just like Jimin with Yoongi, Taehyung clings onto Jungkook and Jungkook holds Taehyung for a while. Taehyung had to admit, that dude scared the shit out of him. He thought he would've been taken or something.. Luckily he had Jimin to help him out, and luckily, Jimin had Yoongi.

"Tae, Yoongi hyung and I are going to go home. Let's call it a day," Jimin declares.

They all agree to go home, the couples being protective over each other-- Yoongi held Jimin close and Jungkook not letting go of Taehyung's hand.

Gosh, why was that man earlier following them? Was he really Unknown? That would have been stupid of him to attack in a public place, he'd be arrested right away. If it was him, all of it would have been easy if the four boys were together.

The four of them were walking to the parking lot now, getting ready to drive home.

Earlier, Taehyung asked Namjoon for help. Namjoon told him he would try and do something, which he does. He told Taehyung that he was going to call the Unknown number, to see if the guy following them would stop and answer. Namjoon didn't know Taehyung was already with his boyfriend though. So, he makes the call, thinking someone was still following Taehyung.

 So, he makes the call, thinking someone was still following Taehyung

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And that's when things get odd. As Taehyung read Namjoon's texts, Yoongi's phone starts to ring-- his ringtone making an echo in the parking lot.

"Hello?" Yoongi answers.

The other line didn't speak.

"Hello???" No answer.

"Hyung, the signal down here is weak. Tell them to call back," Jimin suggests.

"Can you call back later? I don't have good cell service at the moment," Yoongi speaks. He hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket, then putting his arm around Jimin again.

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