Chapter 4

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I carefully stepped into the shower, turned it on, and got back out. I grabbed a towel from the rack, a washcloth, and the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash while wondering why a dude would have these in his bathroom.

I quickly shampooed my hair and rinsed it. Then I grabbed the washcloth and put the body wash on it. I started scrubbing, feeling as if all the germs were washing away. I was completely freaked out to take a shower in Jason's house, he could come in at any given moment, but I didn't want to get a bullet through me.

As I started conditioning my hair, my thoughts wondered to Bailey. Bailey is my boyfriend. We were hanging out just two minutes before I was taken. We were messing around in the playground.


I screamed as Bailey pushed me on the swing set to hard, and the swing got wrapped around the top pole of it!

He's sitting there laughing as I dangle two feet in the air by my knees on the swing. I jump down onto my hands and flip onto my feet. I pretend I feel light headed and stumble around before falling down to the ground.

Bailey stopped laughing and was over next to me in five seconds. He puts my head in his lap and strokes my hair. I slowly open my eyes and bring my hand up to my head groaning.

He looked so guilty I couldn't keep up the charade without laughing, so I slowly sit up, then stand, and sprint away from him yelling, "Got ya!" back at him.

He started running after me so I stopped and turned around, waiting for him. He slowed down and came up to me.

I wrapped him in a bear hug and he said, "I knew I wouldn't be able to catch you if you had kept running."

"Well, what do you expect from one of the fastest runners on the track team?"

"One of the fastest runners on the track team? Don't you mean the fastest runner in the school, I mean, you can beat all the guys in a race any day, and you have, like, fifty gold medals from races you've raced in all over the country! Give yourself more credit."

"Ugh, you know I don't like it when people make a big deal out of it. It's just running."

"Whatever. So, you want to do something tonight?" Bailey asked in his 'oh pretty please' voice.

"Hmmm, I don't know. What kind of something?"

"The kind of something like a dinner then a movie?"

"How about a picnic?" I asked, not really wanting the 'normal date' date.

"Sounds awesome, as long as I'm with you. Pick you up at five?" I looked at my watch, 1:00. That would be enough time.

"Ok, see you later!"


I was ripped out of my thoughts when the conditioner got in my eyes. I rubbed it out and finished rinsing my hair.

I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my hair, and got another towel. Once my towels were situated, I turned off the shower and waited for Jason to come back.

It wasn't long when I heard angry footsteps and the door unlocked. I quickly stood up and tightened the fluffy red towel around my body. He slammed open the door and stormed up to me. I made my eyes widen in 'fear' and he slapped me.

I fell to the floor, the towel around my hair falling off, and I left the grip I had on the towel around my body to hold my stinging cheek. Then he grabbed my hair and yanked me up off the floor. The towel fell to the floor leaving me standing there, completely naked, my head pulled back by his grip on my hair as he dragged me down the hallway.

He half pushed-half threw me into the room I was in before, just, no dead body.

"Get dressed, I'll be back with dinner in 10 minutes," Jason growled at me. Jeesh, he could at least have some manners.

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