Chapter 6

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As I regained some of my senses I tried to remember what last happened. I knew I was kidnapped, Harold was murdered, and.. Oh my god, I passed out while Jason was kissing me. Gross, now I felt like throwing up.

I peaked through my eyelids to find Jason worriedly looking down at me, his face much to close. My eyes shot open, I crushed myself back into the bed I was lying on, and my arms flew up to protect my head and face.

I heard him sigh and lower my arms with one hand. He was strong, and that worried me. After he lowered my arms he didn't do anything else. I cracked my eyes open to see him staring at me intently, as if he were deciding something.

A few minutes later he stood up, felt my forehead, his fingers lingering there a second, then walked out of the room. That's when I noticed the room.

It was all white, with a bunch of machines all over. Am I in a hospital? Hope flared through me, I was going to get out.

The next time someone comes through that door, I'm going to tell them what happened to me.

I figured that I would rather have that happen sooner than later so I pressed the nurse button and waited for the nurse to come.

"I see you're awake!" A bright and peppy voice said. I turned my head to see a nurse who had green eyes, long brown hair, and a big smile.

She walked over, checked all the machines, then walked back over to me. "Now, why did you ring me in?"

"I've been abducted." I said, looking her right in the eye.

Her eyes widened when she looked at my face and matched who I was to the girl who was probably all over the news. She mouthed 'I'll call the police' and walked out of the door. Jason immediately walked threw the door, up beside my bed and asked her what I told her.

"I told her that I'm hungry," I lied easily, "Must you be suspicious of everything?"

"Yes!" He sneered, "It's time to go!"

He grabbed my wrist pulling me off the bed and yanking out all the cords attached to my arm. I let out a yelp of pain which brought the attention of a few nurses, one of them being the one who called the police.

My arm was bleeding heavily leaving a trail of blood down the hallway. I was beginning to loose the feeling in my arm and what I could feel was all pain.

As he dragged me to the stairs I saw a sign that said 27th floor, ugh, so many stairs. As he pulled me to them I kept stumbling because the loss of blood was starting to effect me. Suddenly I could see clearly again and I figured that it was probably just some after effect of a drug they used on me.

I started hearing faint police sirens in the distance and was given another wave of hope.

By the time we reached the bottom of the stairs my feet were numb. I don't know if it was from lack of blood, using them so much or a mixture of both. Once the blood stopped pounding in my ears I heard someone speaking into a megaphone saying to go to the nearest phone and pick it up so they could talk.

We took a break, both panting at the bottom of the stairs. His grip loosened on my wrist and I broke away and made a dash for the phone. I snatched it off the reciever without stopping and kept running.

I put the phone up to my ear and heard a voice on the other end, "Hello? Hello? This is Craig Parks, is anyone there?"

"Yes! Yes! It's Lexi, please help me."

"It's ok Lexi, you're going to be fine, now, it's very important for you to listen to me."

"Of course!"

"Ok, are you safe right now?"

"No, he's chasing me, and I have a few holes in my arm."

"Yes, we were informed by a nurse that he ripped your tubes out of your arm. Do you know the man's name?"

"Yes, his name is Jason, but I don't know his last name."

I looked back to see an empty hallway but that didn't stop me from running away. I found a storage room and piled boxes around me, hiding me from sight. I put the phone back up to my ear, "Lexi! Lexi! Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Ok, good, I need you to describe Jason, can you do that?"

"He's in his late 20's, Caucasian, medium length jet black hair, and dark blue eyes. He's slim but fit and about 6' 4''. Oh, and he wears 10's in shoes." As I was describing him you could hear the fear dropping off my voice, he actually scared me...

"You're doing great Lexi, just stay calm and this will all be over soon."

"I don't believe you." That's when Jason's head popped over one of the sides of my box fort, grabbed my arm and yanked me up. I dropped the phone and screamed, trying to get away from him.

I stopped struggling as soon as he pointed a silver gun in my face. Then he aimed it at the phone and shot it, making it spark and pieces shoot everywhere. One piece embedded itself into my right arm, the one that has all the holes in it.

I screamed tried to grip my hand onto it but Jason still had hold of my left arm. He pulled me through the door and down the hallway.

When SWAT agents came down the hallway shouting "Lower the weapon!!!!" and "Put your hands on the back of your head!!" Jason put his arm around my neck, bringing me against his chest and the gun up to my head, against my temple.

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