Chapter 21

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Andrew and I had an interesting conversation, after I changed his name to just Andrew anyway.

We talked and decided we would meet up at Starbucks at 11 tomorrow.

Anyway, enough about him. After the cupcakes were done cooking and cooled, I started to decorate them.

I put a white frosting base on the top of it and then grabbed the pastry bag to write 'THANK YOU' in dark blue on each of the big cupcakes.

Then, after that was done, I took thesmall ones and wrote the initials of each of the team members on them in purple.

The first initial on a vanilla, the second on a red velvet.

The initials were:

J.Q. for John Quirk, C.C. for Chloe Cappechineo, Z.M. for Zack Manter, C.P. for Craig Parks, N.S. for Nichole Shamble, J.D. for Joey Defferentio, and K.A. for Kevin Anderson.

On the extra mini cupcakes I just put swirls.

It was 7:26 AM now, my mom still not up, so I wrote a new note and hung it on the fridge.

Then I put all the cupcakes in one of the cake holder things, and went through the back door.

I hopped across the stones over the river and started walking to the swat HQ.

I decided to use the backroads so I wasn't stared at or avoided.

And so I began my journey.


A little while after mine and Zack's talk we got called on a mission, he wasn't allowed to go, so he had to stay back.

I felt bad for leaving him but we had to help people. This one was a call of a hostage situation.

A man had a woman at gun point, trying to get her to admit that she 'ran away with their baby.'

The two were divorced and she had won legal control. People can make the strangest and craziest stories that actually make sense.

I love my job, but sometimes the calls can get kind of ridiculous.


As I stepped into the HQ I had to go through security. Sort of like before you have to get on an airplane. They checked everything and I had to go through a metal detector.

After that was over I went to the third floor, the security guards told me where to go.

When I walked in I noticed how quite it was. They were probably out on a call.

I walked up to the desk right in front of the elevator. The lady greeted me and introduced herself as Lucy.

"Hi Lucy, I'm Lexi. I came to bring a thank you to the team that I believe works on this floor. John, Chloe, Zack, Craig, Nichole, Joey, and Kevin?" I asked, making sure I got the correct floor.

"That's true," a mystery voice said from behind me. It sounded a lot like, no way, he wasn't cleared to work yet.

I turned around to see, just as I was hoping it wasn't true, I saw Zack. I gave him a small smile, putting my hands behind my back and messing with my fingers.

He could obviously tell I was uncomfortable and nervous with him here.

"So," Lucy said, "What do we have here?"

I turned around to her, "I made cupcakes, as a thank you."

"You know you didn't have to do that," Zack said walking up next to me.

"I felt like I had to do something, and it just so happens that I love to bake, so, yeah," I told him.

"You know, cupcakes aren't exactly good for training."

"Well, they are fat free, and have amazing coconut frosting if I do say so myself," I said.

"What kind?" he asked, lifting the top.

"Vanilla and red velvet."

"Yum," he smiled at me.

I gave him a half smile and turned, "I better be going, sorry by the way."

"Wait Lexi, can we talk first?" Zack asked.

I slowly turned around, "Sure."

I followed him to a big room full of gym equipment, "Wow, this is amazing," I sighed, running my fingers across the different machines.

"Really? I never thought I would hear a teenage girl say that," he said.

I laughed, "I'm not your average girl, I prefer sneakers more that heels, running more than walking, and the gym more than the mall."

Zack looked at me like I was crazy.


He smiled, shaking his head, "I have three nieces around your age, and if they heard you say that they would either kill you or try to change you."

I grimaced, "Remind me never to meet them."

He laughed, "So, are you really impressed by this equipment?"

"Dude, I'm in love with it!" I laughed.

"Then try it out!"

"No way, I couldn't!" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Well why not!?" he asked.

"It would be... Weird..."

He laughed, "Do it, do it, do it!"

I groaned at his chanting, "Okay, I have a bad experience with gyms."

"What happened?"

"One day, about a year ago, I was on an elliptical in the basement, and I wasn't go that fast, but I ended up making it's computer part have a tiny explosion."

"Tiny explosion?" Zack looked at me like he didn't believe me.

"Okay, a medium sized explosion that burned my right hand," I told him showing him my hand, it being scarred badly.


"Yeah... It's a good thing I'm left handed."


After we took care of the man holding the woman at gun point, successfully saving the woman and making the guy surrender, we drove back to HQ to debrief.

I hated this part because we had to go over everything that happened, state what we need to work on, then, the good part, hang out until everyone leaves.

As we pulled into the garage, I thought I saw Lexi through the window, but I probably didn't. I'm not exactly sure that she would show up here.

We got out of the cars an walked inside. Zack was studying an elliptical, walking around it and staring intently at it.

"Zack, what are you doing?" Kevin asked.

"I'm trying to imagine this blow up."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because that'a what Lexi told me happened to her before. She was going to fast the computer part overloaded and exploded."

We all looked a t him weirdly and he changed the subject.

"So Lexi brought fat free cupcakes with coconut frosting."

Everyone rushed to the counter Lucy works at, leaving me and Zack trailing behind.

"I swear, they love cupcakes."

"I know," Zack agreed.

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