It's 80 Characters. That's the Answer.

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Lance sat with his back against the car door and his kitten-socked feet in Keith's lap. "So," he dragged out the word with pursed lips, "Where exactly are you taking me?"

Keith's mouth immediately curled into a husky smirk, "Just a few places." He massaged Lance's calf with one hand and drove with the other.

"Like?" Lance scrunched his face up. "Like the White House? Washington Monument? Statue of Liberty?" He playfully leaned forward, bracing with his hands.

Keith gave him a sarcastic look of confusion, "What?" He returned his eyes to the road and switched lanes. "No. You can see those in any old movie. Too cliché."

Lance squinted at him, "So, then where?"

A glint of mischief flashed in his suave violet eyes. Keith patted his leg, "Did you pack everything I told you to?"

He nodded, "Yeah, that's why I'm asking. I mean," he listed the items using his fingers, "A swimsuit, hiking boots, my dress and heels, a copy of Me Before You, body glitter, a tiara, and my passport." He dropped his hands in bewilderment, "What the fuck are you planning?"

Keith laughed at his confusion, "Well, we left at two a.m. and have been driving for thirteen hours."


"Our first stop will be in five hours." He patted his thigh.

Lance groaned, "I've never been in a car this long! Where even are we?!"

Keith gave him a loving smile, "It won't be much longer. And we're in Florida."

Lance stared at him for a moment, letting his eyes drift down. He hummed to himself, then pushed on the inside of Keith's thigh with the balls of his feet.

Keith furrowed his brows, taking a quick look down at Lance's feet. "What—uh—what are you doing?"

"I'm bored."


"So I'm messing with you." Lance finally looked at Keith's face to find a tint of pink framing his cheeks. His chest jumped a little in embarrassment, and he pulled his legs back to his side of the car. "Alright, I'll stop."

Lance didn't realize he fell asleep until Keith tapped him awake with a drawn-out whisper. "Hey Lance, we're almost there."

Lance's cheek stuck to the window as he lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. "Where are we no—oh my god."

From the car window, Lance could see tall buildings that sparkled in the orange sunset. Palm trees swayed in the wind and every person was in beach wear. "Keith, this is—wow, this is amazing." He tore his eyes away from the view to look at him, "Where are we?"

Keith pointed out the windshield, "That is Miami, Florida."

"Wow," Lance admired the view. "So, where's the first stop, then?"

"If you look past these buildings and toward the coast, you will find our destination."

Lance turned to flash him a confident look, "You're so mysterious."

He shrugged, "It's fun to mess with you."

Lance slapped his shoulder, "So mean."

Keith pulled up to a tall building—one large circular part, then two shorter square parts on either side of it. They were greeted by a valet, who Keith talked to while Lance stood in awe. They were right on the coast; umbrellas and uniform white chairs dotted the sand. Keith finished talking and held his elbow out for Lance. He took it and was led inside.

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