Bucket List

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Keith and Lance's honeymoon jump started their bucket list. Before the wedding, they wrote down all the things they wanted to do together. Even though neither of them said it, these were things they wanted to do before Lance's eventual death.

The first number they crossed off was three: go on a train trip. Lance fell asleep leaning on Keith's shoulder as he stared out the window. Next, number one: see the northern lights. They stayed in the Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort for a few nights. The rooms were glass igloos that allowed them to see the sky while they lied in bed. Lance enjoyed the view of the wispy streaks of color sitting naked on Keith's lap. Which, coincidentally, crossed off number twelve: wear lingerie they picked out for each other.

The next day, they crossed off numbers nineteen and two: carry Lance on a hike and cross a suspension bridge. Through the snow, Keith gave him a piggyback ride through a forest trail. Then number seventeen: join the mile-high club. Once the other passengers were asleep, they nonchalantly snuck away. When they returned to their seats, they shared a successful high-five.

Their next destination was number thirteen: visit Cuba. Lance guided Keith through the streets with the excitement of a puppy. There, they crossed off numbers twenty and twenty-one: dance in the rain and dangerously on a rooftop. They also completed number six: skinny dip in the rain.

Finally back in the states, they did numbers nine and fourteen first: Go on a helicopter ride and go to the symphony. Keith picked out Lance's dress again. It was a gorgeous sparkling blue with black heels.

When they fished their trip, they returned to Texas and officially moved in to a house they bought together.

Lance curled up tighter in the fluffy white blankets, "Number fifteen."

Keith laughed and hugged him tighter in the morning light. "Staying in bed all day sounds like a plan."

Lance groaned, "I'm so exhausted." He stared up at Keith and gave him a quick kiss.

Keith deepened the kiss with his hands on Lance's cheeks. He pulled away slowly and smirked, "Too tired to play?"

Lance pushed Keith aside and shouted, "Number eighteen!"

Keith threw his hands up in defeat, "Counting to twenty!" He covered his eyes and counted down. When he finished, he shouted, "Ready or not, here I come!"

Keith searched through all the isles of IKEA furniture. All he could think about was that he would never find his way out of there. After what seemed like an hour, Lance pounced on him out of nowhere and yelled, "Got you!"

Lance held his hand up to admire the tattoo on his wrist. He smiled down at the ink and flexed his thinning fingers. "You ready for this?"

Keith stood beside him and turned to nod. He shook the can of spray paint, "Lets fucking do this."

Lance shook his own can and lifted it to the worn-down wall of the abandoned building. He sprayed a blue C and U, then turned to Keith with a cocky smile.

Keith stepped forward and lifted his can to paint a red N and T.

They stood back to admire their creation for a moment, then lifted their wrists to compare them. Copied from their tattoos was a red and blue spray-painted Cunt on the dirty, broken wall.

Lance intertwined their gloved fingers and took a deep breath. "The last stop."

Keith turned to give him a worried look. He nudged Lance's shoulder toward the Christmas light display. "C'mon. Let's have fun."

Lance smiled up at him and nodded. They walked forward through the path of lit-up multicolored trees. Various decorations of reindeer and elves peeked out from the pine branches. Lance turned to face Keith and wrapped his arms around him, swaying into a small slow-dance. They danced slowly and gently within the light of the trees and the speckles of snow. Only three numbers were left, and this was both numbers five and sixteen.

Keith pulled back slightly to look down at him. He kissed his knitted winter hat, "Number ten?"

Lance huddled into Keith's arm as they walked across the bridge. He looked out over the dark water. The thought of how many people had talked their lives there couldn't escape his head.

Keith's chest started to ring with a gentle hum. The melody lulled away Lance's anxiety. It was a song he knew well. Flashes of Keith's proposal sparked in his mind. The fireworks of every emotion he felt when he saw the ring. Everything ran through his veins.

Lance opened his mouth to sing in a quiet, broken voice. "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow's a mystery. I can see you looking back at me. Keep your eyes on me."

Keith smiled and joined in with him, "Baby, keep your eyes on me." He lifted their hands to spin Lance and face him.

Lance stared back at the intense constellations of crystal violet. He brought their foreheads together and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

They continued the song in unison. "You are, you are the love of my life. You are, you are the love of my life."

Keith brought him into a slow kiss and kept close as he pulled away. He lifted his hand to present a case with a red bow tied around it. "Number ten."

Lance took it from him and lifted a box of his own. He shrugged, "Number ten."

They held their presents and opened them simultaneously. Lance's face lit up as he uncovered a cherry blossom necklace. He gently picked it up out of the case and handed it to Keith, "Put it on me."

Keith did so and handed Lance his gift: an elegant and smooth black watch. He smiled up at him, "Put it on me."

Lance snapped it around his wrist and brought him into a tight hug. He felt tears sting his eyes as he clung to Keith's leather jacket. He let out a sob and nuzzled his face into his shoulder.

"Hey," Keith held his waist with one arm and cradled his head with the other hand. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Lance shook his head and held him tighter. He couldn't stop the tears from coming. He stayed strong all through their four months of marriage, but a simple necklace broke him down.

"Lance?" Keith kissed his hair. "Please tell me what's wrong."

Lance sniffled and pulled back to let Keith wipe his cheeks. He kept his hands on Keith's shoulders as he lowered his gaze. He hesitated, but finally let out a broken whisper. "I'm not ready to die."

Keith forced a smile and laugh. He cupped Lance's cheeks and lifted his head, "You don't need to worry about that right now."

Lance swallowed hard and slowly shook his head. "Yes, I do."

Keith's smile dropped, but he kept his voice soft. "Why?"

Lance's eyelashes fluttered as he looked up at him. His lips quivered and a tear fell down his cheek. He placed his hands over Keith's and sniffled. "Because I don't feel well."

And with that, Lance collapsed.

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