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Keith turned to look at him. Concern laced into his eyes, "What is it?"

Lance stood in an oversized pink sweater and boxers. He fiddled with the sleeves, averting his eyes to avoid looking straight at Keith. "Um, do you," he trailed off.

Keith pulled the blanket off and sat on the edge of the couch, "What is it, baby?"

"You don't, um," he gulped, "You don't have to sleep out here."

Keith tilted his head and let his eyes fall in thought.

Lance took a deep breath to calm his pounding chest and gave him a serious look. "Do you want to come to the bed?"

Keith looked him up and down with intense eyes. "Are you sure?"

Lance gave him quick nods.

He stood and walked up to him, "You're ready?"

Lance raised his eyes to meet his, "Are you?"

They stared into each other's eyes with loving gazes. Keith grabbed Lance's thighs and wrapped his legs around him, walking to the bedroom.

Lance was laid down gently as Keith kissed him passionately. Their hands tugged at each other's shirts, pulling them closer together. Keith licked Lance's bottom lip, lightly tugging with his teeth. Lance opened his mouth to allow him in. His tongue explored Lance's mouth fully as his hands stroked his thighs. Lance threaded his fingers into Keith's hair, deepening the kiss.

Keith pulled away to rip his shirt off and throw it to the floor. Lance sat up to let him repeat the action with his pink sweater. Their bodies lowered back down, arms wrapped around each other. Keith's hands ran up Lance's stomach to his neck and into his hair. Lance let out a faint moan at the touch.

The heart in Lance's chest was running a hundred miles an hour. He let his mind run on autopilot. Keith's body was hot and pressed against his own with intensity. His lips were sweet–like the first sip of a latte. His skin was smooth, but it wore scars on his shoulders and abdomen.

Lance tugged Keith's sweatpants, then ran his hands over the line down his back. Keith kept his mouth on Lance's as he took off his pants and tossed them aside. Lance pushed on his shoulder to switch places.

He sat up on his knees with his hands on Keith's chest, "You really want to?"

Keith laughed at him, "Yeah! I just didn't want to pressure you into it or anything."

Lance's eyebrows furrowed in realization, "Is that why you wouldn't sleep in the same bed as me?!"

"Yeah," Keith gave him a nervous smile.

Lance pushed on his chest in playful frustration, "I thought you didn't want to sleep with me! You had me all nervous."

Keith laughed at him and brought a hand up to his neck, "Come here."

They came back together in a giggling kiss. Keith put himself back on top and stroked his thumbs over Lance's nipples, emitting a few pleased moans. Then, he tugged on the waistband of Lance's boxers. He pulled away to look into Lance's eyes one more time, "Are you sure?"

Lance placed his hands on his cheeks, "Yes. Hurry it up, Romeo."

Keith kissed his nose sweetly, then reached up to the nightstand. Lance craned his neck in curiosity. He pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube, then returned to him. Lance eyed him playfully, "You put those there."

"Yes I did."

Lance chuckled, "You sly dog."

He shrugged and leaned down to kiss Lance's abdomen, tugging off his boxers. Lance stifled his moans with the back of his hand. Keith looked up at him, "This might hurt a little."

A finger was pushed into him. It felt more strange than painful. Keith brought his tongue to Lance's nipples as he inserted another finger. That's when it started to sting for Lance. He dug his fingers into Keith's shoulder.

"Keith, it's weird," a moan closed his throat, "and it hurts."

Keith brought him into a soft kiss, "It will feel good in a second, baby." He rubbed Lance's cheek with his thumb, "Do you want me to stop?"

Lance swallowed hard and shook his head, "No, don't stop."

Keith kissed him one more time, then added another finger. "Just try to relax."

Lance sucked air through his teeth and threw his head back. Keith used his other hand to stroke Lance's dick to ease his pain. Lance suddenly cried out when a wave of pleasure washed over him.

He tried to stifle his moans, "Keith!"

Keith smirked and removed his fingers to pull off his own boxers. Lance caught his breath and tried to keep his heart calm to prevent a crisis. Keith returned his hands to Lance, picking him up to sit on his lap.

Keith moved the hair from Lance's eyes, "Use my shoulders and lower yourself down. It won't hurt as much."

Lance nodded and pushed up on his shoulders. He hugged Keith's head as he lined himself up. Slowly and carefully, he brought himself down. A spark of pleasure shocked him as he was all the way down. Keith supported his back and kissed his shoulder, letting him get used to it. Lance was lowered back down to the pillow. He held onto Keith's shoulders anxiously, shutting his eyes tightly.

Keith kissed his forehead, "I'm gonna move now."

It felt strange at first, but Lance quickly felt pleasure running through his body. He wrapped one arm around his neck and one tugged on his hair. "Keith! Ah!"

Keith swallowed hard, "Does it hurt?"

Lance shook his head and gasped, "No, it's- mm"

Keith kissed his lips deeply and increased his speed. Lance pulled away to cry out and dig his nails into Keith's shoulders. Wet sounds and slapping skin filled the air and bounced off the bedroom walls.

Lance threw his head back, "Keith! Harder!"

Keith panted and lifted his chest. He held the back of Lance's knees and looked down on him. Lance grabbed the sides of the pillow as his muscles tensed.


"Ah, Lance."

Lance cried out loudly as he came, clutching the sheets of the bed. Keith returned his hands to the mattress beside Lance's waist, finishing himself off. With a sexy grunt, he slowed to a stop and gasped for breath.

Keith reached a hand up to stroke Lance's cheek and look in his eyes.

Lance placed his hand over Keith's and gave him a warm smile, returning the loving gaze.

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