I'm so Proud of This Book

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Keith mixed together a drink and served a party of obviously drunk girls. Music blasted through the speakers as he worked with the difficult men who wanted their drink now. Keith sighed and whispered to himself, "Just one more hour."

"Hey, cutie!" A girl with curly brown hair lied her boobs onto the bar. "Can I get a margarita? Thanks sweetie!"

Keith rolled his eyes and made her drink. When he slid it over to her, she stroked his arm. "Wait!" She leaned her head onto her hand, "Whatcha doin' after this?"

Keith gave her a smile and held up his left hand, "Sorry, honey, I'm married."

"Aww, come on!" She tugged on his sleeve when he turned around. "She doesn't need to know!"

Keith yanked his arm away from her, "I have a husband, sweetie." He left her before she could flirt with him anymore.

"Why do you still wear that, anyway?"

Keith turned to his coworker with an annoyed expression, "Because I'm still married, Julius."

Julius shrugged, "But he's dead."

Keith slammed his hand down on the bar and picked up a stirrer. "How about you shut your mouth before I pierce your throat with every tiny straw in this place."

Julius stared at him with wide eyes of fear.

Keith flicked the stirrer down and shot him a smile, patting his shoulder. "I'm heading out. I've got somewhere to be." He snatched his coat and walked out the door.

Keith started his car and got ready to back up before he stopped to stare at his ring. He relaxed and spun it around his finger.

Under matching pink tissue paper was a pink Vogmask speckled with little panda faces. Lance gasped as he lifted it from the box.

Keith shifted his legs, "I know you hate wearing those medical masks, so I thought it would be better if you had something like this."

Lance dropped down off the couch and onto his knees, wrapping his arms around Keith's neck. "You're the best!"

Keith took a breath and leaned his head back. His life had been so mundane after Lance's death. What was he to do? The only option was to go back to being a bartender and living day to day.

Lance finally connected the dots as he stared at him. He leaned his head back with a smirk, "Keith. What a surprise."

"I mean," he ran his fingers through his hair, "I wouldn't mind being stalked by you." He stopped about five feet away from him. He was wearing a black leather jacket and skinny jeans to match.

Lance's smirk turned to a pout and he swung his leg around to face him and leaned forward. "You freaky."

Lance was on Keith's mind every second of every day. Even when he slept, he dreamed about him. He couldn't escape him. Keith sighed and started to drive.

The next day, he went to Lance's grave. He always brought cherry blossoms to him. They were Lance's favorite. He adjusted his leather jacket and looked up to his spot. A woman stood in front of his tombstone. Keith knew who it was. He almost turned around when she noticed his presence.


Keith gave her a smile, "Good morning, Mrs. McClain."

Her face didn't look happy. She turned back around to stare at Lance's name. Keith walked up and placed the flowers down in front of it. Lance's family had a statue made for him. It was of an angel holding up a young Lance. Keith hated it. He knew that Lance probably did, too.

"Well," Keith brushed off his jacket, "I'm off."

Keith walked a few steps before he was stopped. Lance's mother grabbed his arm, "Wait!"

Keith turned and gave her a confused look.

"Um," she let go of him and lowered her head, "I wasn't there when he died." She bit her shaking lip and lifted her eyes to meet Keith's. "Could you tell me what his last words were?"

Keith spun around to face her, sticking his hands in his pockets.

Lance lifted his head to look up at him, "Thank you...for loving me."

Keith leaned down to kiss him, "I only wish I had found you sooner."

Lance's head dropped back down and his grip loosened as his muscles gave out. "Yeah," he smiled and closed his eyes. "But I'm... ...I'm glad I... ... ...glad I met you."

Keith nodded, "He said to tell you guys that he loves you. And he's sorry."

Lance's mother lowered her head into her hands. "Oh, my poor baby."

Keith turned around to walk away. Lance's family had never approved of him. The only person he grew close to was Mark.


Keith turned around again, "Yes?"

"Would you," her hair was oily and her skin was wrinkled. She definitely hadn't slept in days. Lance had been dead for months, yet she was still like that. It was a pitiful sight. She licked her chapped lips, "Would you like to come over for a meal?"

Keith's eyes widened. He relaxed his shoulders and tilted his head. "Are–are you sure?"

She nodded and gave him a smile. "We McClains should stick together, right?"

Keith was greeted with apprehension. He tried to speak to the people he felt wished to talk, but soon everyone wanted to be around him. They mostly talked about Lance. Keith had avoided the subject whenever he could, but it felt nice to grieve with them.

Keith stood out on the back porch and stared at the chairs he and Lance had sat at. A cigarette hung from his fingers. He remembered the feeling of Lance's cat tights that lied on his lap. He remembered Lance feeding him most of his food.

"Hey, Keith?"

Keith turned to see Andy standing beside him. He didn't answer and instead just looked at him.

Andy sighed, "I never liked you."

Keith chuckled, "I figured."

"But," Andy gulped back his emotions, "Did you," he met Keith's stare, "Did you make my brother happy?"

A smile morphed Keith's cheeks, "To be honest with you Andy, we made each other happy. But I think he made me the happiest man in the world."

Andy sighed and lowered his gaze. He stared out at the yard, "Then I don't hate you."

Keith glanced at him, then returned to staring at the chairs. "Thank you, Andy."

Andy kicked his foot out, "What are you gonna do now?"

Keith shrugged, "I don't know. I'm just a bartender. It's not like I have a great degree."

Andy turned to go back inside, "Then go to college."

Keith was struck with a realization and stared at him with wide eyes as he returned inside. All Keith wanted to do was prove that Lance didn't die for nothing. That was it. Lance wanted a purpose. That's exactly what he was gonna get.

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