Who Else Wishes They Had a Lover like Keith?

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Lance woke up slowly. He pushed himself up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The sunlight shone onto the blankets, making them appear whiter than they were. The memories of the previous night flooded his mind and brought a blush to his cheeks. He scanned the bed. Keith wasn't there. Lance tossed the covers back and grabbed his pink sweater from the ground.

His bare feet pattered the floor as he wandered through the house. After taking a quick look at the clock, he realized it was already the afternoon. When he entered the dining room, he saw Keith sitting out on the patio. Lance's book was in his hand as he sipped on a coffee.

Lance opened the door and hugged him from behind. He kissed his cheek, "Hey, baby."

Keith set down the book and mug to ruffle his hair. "Well, good morning sleeping beauty."

Lance stepped around the chair to sit in his lap. Keith wrapped his arms around him, "How's your body?"

A smile lit up his face, "I'm great."

Keith stroked his cheek, "We have dinner reservations at six. Wear the dress and heels I told you to pack."

Lance eyed him suspiciously, "Okay."


He thought with a dramatic hum, then shook his head. "Nothing." He picked up the book and handed it to Keith, "Read some more to me."

Keith chuckled with a nod as he opened up to the right page, "Alright."

Lance sat back in the lounge chair as Keith rubbed his calves, listening to the warm voice. It was like a song that lulled him to sleep and cast away his fears. Nothing was impossible when he was holding him. Keith had crowned a king, turned trees into ballgowns, transported them into a story, created a rainbow from behind a waterfall, weaved stars into the waves of the sea, and best of all, instilled a new sense of hope into a broken boy. There wasn't anything he couldn't do. As long as they were together, the world didn't stand a chance.

The dress that Lance chose was one Keith had bought him–short, A line, sleeveless, white dress with embroidered blue flowers on the middle of the chest and speckled on the skirt. The shoes were also a gift. They matched the blue flowers on the dress and laced up with a ribbon around the ankles.

"It looks better than I thought."

Lance looked at Keith through the mirror as he leaned against the doorframe. He was dressed up in a formal black suit and blue tie.

Lance twisted his waist to show off the dress, "I really like it."

Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's waist, "Ready to go?"

Lance smiled at himself in the mirror, "Yeah."

The restaurant was definitely five-star. Keith reserved a beautiful private table, probably to keep any prying eyes off his man. They practically laughed and joked all through the dinner. Lance enjoyed admiring the food with a camera and then feeding most of it to Keith–who gladly accepted.

"Wait," Lance eyed the surroundings out the car window, "this isn't the way to the hotel."

"No, it isn't." Keith's smile was visible through the moonlight.

Lance scrunched his face up in suspicion, "Where are you taking me?"

Keith gave him a few quick glances, wearing that cheeky smile. He loosened his tie a little, "To the last stop."

Overlooking the city was a wooden platform, which had been recreated into a mini ballroom. Strings of twinkling lights were weaved into the railing; jars of candles lined the edge; deep red rose petals dotted the ground, framing the magnificent scene. Keith adjusted things on his car radio, then circled around to open all the doors. He set it up, then led Lance over to the platform. With a spin, he placed Lance in the center and pulled out his phone.

A powerful yet gentle melody flooded from the car. Keith wrapped a hand around Lance's shoulder and pulled up his other hand, "I heard from a reliable source that you love to dance." He motioned to the car with his head, "And that this was your favorite song to dance to."

Lance's face softened and he placed his arm along Keith's bicep, "Your source was correct."

It didn't take long for their bodies to move together fluidly. Lance could feel the night air envelop his legs and weave through his hair, only to be thrown off with a spin. The stars were their audience; the moon was their spotlight. With every click of his heel and every thump of his heart, Lance fell more in love with the man that held him. The mysterious purple glow of his eyes were just as intense as the first time Lance saw them. Keith's hands were smooth and nimble, spinning him around with ease. Lance felt the distinct feeling rise in his chest again. He wasn't sick there. He wasn't dying. He was just dancing.

Lance let out a gleeful laugh as Keith spun him again, letting go of his hand to let him take control. When he turned back around, his face immediately dropped.

Keith had kneeled down on one knee and held up Lance's passport. A matching ribbon wrapped around the book and carried a brilliant ring. Lance brought his shaking hands up to his mouth and stared at him in disbelief.

Keith let out a nervous laugh, eyes tearing up. "Lance McClain," he spoke as confidently as he could, but his voice trembled, "You have traveled to all of these places with me. I never told you where we were going, but you followed and put an amazing amount of blind trust in the promise that I would protect you and keep you safe. Every decision you ever made was focused on how it would affect me. You are the most selfless person on this Earth. And," He swallowed hard as a tear fell from his eye, "You saved my life. Gave me a purpose and a second chance."

Keith sniffled and motioned to the ring, "Lance McClain, you are the love of my life. The very best thing that has ever happened to me. Nothing I can do or say would ever amount to how much you mean to me."

Lance let out an excited sob as tears ran down his cheeks.

Keith gave him a loving smile and continued, "I want to travel the world with you. I want to give you everything you've ever wanted. I want to stay by your side and," he laughed, "and share your bed."

Keith sniffled and wiped his cheek, taking a deep breath. After recouping, he locked eyes with the shocked Lance. "Lance McClain, would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

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