They'll be Fucking in this Place

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The next drive was the longest so far. Keith let Lance sleep through the night while he drove the entire time; stopping periodically to let Lance stretch his legs. Lance offered to drive many times, but he refused and drank another Redbull.

When they arrived, Lance soaked up the desert landscape with outstretched arms. Palm trees and bushes of flowers decorated the cream walls and small fountain in the courtyard. Red mountains behind the buildings provided an old, western movie-type atmosphere. Even more than Texas ever did. The evening air gave off the smell of the moon and sand.

Keith took his hand as they were led to their room. Lance admired the plant-covered stone walkways, "Keith, where are we now?"

He gave Lance a sweet smile, "Royal Palms Resort in Phoenix."

Lance walked through the door of their villa, "So extra."

Keith motioned to the house with a dramatic arm, "Presidential Villa."

The private house held a castle-like aesthetic– decorated with paintings and chandeliers and large doors. Fireplaces were placed in the living room, bedroom, and on one of the four patios. The first thing Lance decided to do was blast music over the tv and prance through the halls as Keith took a smoke break.

Through Lance's dance around the house, he discovered the layout- four patios with small fountains, a generous living room with a fireplace, dining room with six chairs, a wall mirror over the sinks in the bathroom, a kitchen, and a grand bed in a bedroom with a tv and sitting chairs in front of a fireplace. After his adventure, he hung out the glass door to check on Keith– who was smoking out on the patio with a fireplace.

Lance smirked at him, "You're gonna get in trouble."

Keith looked up from his phone and gave him a smile, "I'll be fine. Did you have fun?"

"Mm-hmm." He eyed the cigarette between Keith's middle and index finger, "I would join you, but I can't."

His smile dropped, "I know, baby." He reached down to snuff it out in a small, black ashtray. "I haven't smoked in a while, but," he trailed off. "I'm trying to quit for you."

Lance ignored his gut feeling to stay away from the leftover smoke and walked over to sit on Keith's lap. He hugged his neck gently, "You don't have to do that. I'm not gonna force you."

"No, but I want to." He brought a light finger up to brush Lance's hair from his eyes, "I don't want to have to stay away from you."

Lance leaned into the touch, "Hey Keith?"


He kissed the palm of his hand, "Your breath stinks and your hands smell like tobacco. Go take a shower."

They laughed for a minute, then went back in the house. Lance read more of Me Before You on the living room couch. He had started the fireplace and curled up in a blanket. After showering, Keith walked into the room with his black sweatpants on. Lance blushed a little seeing his bare chest.

Keith fluffed his hair with the white towel around his neck, "Hey Lance?"

Lance kept his eyes on the book to avoid blushing any more, "Yeah?"

"Uh, you can take the bed."

Lance finally looked up to give him a look of confusion.

"I'll sleep out here," he averted his gaze and shook his wet hair.

"Oh," Lance slowly closed the book and tossed the blanket off. "Yeah, okay." He walked toward the door.

"Tomorrow, we will leave at around two for the next stop." He spread out a blanket on the couch, "That's where you'll need your swimsuit, but I would bring some warm clothes just in case."


"So just enjoy the resort tomorrow."

"Okay," he left the room before Keith could say anything else.

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