Pidge is Mood

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"Lance!" Andy ran up to give him a hug, practically running him over.

Lance accepted with a grunt, "Hey there!"

Keith set Lance's suitcases down in the entryway and wiped his forehead. One by one, Lance's family filed into the living room to welcome him back. Lance's father went straight to Keith and pat his shoulder in acceptance. Lance eyed Keith suspiciously and whispered in his ear when his father left.

"Did you...?"

Keith shot him a smile, "Of course I did."

"Welcome back, my baby!" Lance's mother greeted him with outstretched arms.

"Hi Mama," Lance hugged her tightly. If something bad had happened on the trip, the last thing they would've done is fight. He was thankful they got to make up. Lance's hair was ruffled by his uncles and cousins and his cheeks were kissed by his aunts. He pulled away from the crowd and held his arms up, "Okay everyone! I'm gonna need you guys to sit down somewhere in the living room! I have news."

Murmurs of curiosity rose from them as everyone found a spot on the couches or floor. Lance's family went silent and Keith and Lance exchanged glances from where they were standing.

Lance took a deep breath and locked eyes with every worried or curious or excited face that stared at him. He fiddled with his hands behind his back as he talked. "Well, um–"

Keith placed a hand on his shoulder in encouragement and gave him a nod.

Lance glanced at him, then returned to the audience and held up the ring on his hand, "Keith and I are engaged."

They received mixed reactions. Some were speechless in shock. Others screamed in excitement. A select few scowled in disgust. Lance's aunt, Liliana, hugged him tightly while his uncle, Luis, shook Keith's hand. Lance noticed a hostile glare from Andy through the crowd, and he couldn't even locate his mother.

"Oh Pidge, you should have seen it!" Lance paced around her room. "He lit candles and played music and danced! It was so beautiful!"

"Lance, you've been talking about this for an hour." Pidge kept her eyes on her video game.

Hunk gave him a smile, "It's a big deal. Keith seems like a great guy."

Lance jumped onto Pidge's bed and stuffed his face into her pillow. "He is!"

"Ah!" Pidge's game emitted a death sequence. "I'm out." She passed the controller to Hunk, "Your turn."

Hunk took it and started it up again. "So Lance, do you guys have any plans yet? For the wedding?"

"Well," Lance uncovered his face. His mind wandered, "we haven't gone over a lot. I'm not even sure if we are doing a big wedding." He brought the pillow to his chest and lowered his voice, "I don't even know if I can handle a wedding."

Pidge leaned her head back to rest on the bed, "Lance?"

He kept his eyes ahead, "Yeah?"

She turned and patted his leg, "It's gonna be okay. Don't worry too much."

"I'm not," a smile warmed his face, "Keith will take care of me."

Pidge gagged, "You guys are disgusting."

"Disgustingly cute," Hunk corrected, passing the controller back to Pidge.

"So," she took it, "how's the family taking it?"

"Oh!" Lance jumped up. "Get this!"

Hunk and Pidge turned toward him, "What?"

He brought his hands up to his cheeks, "He asked for my hand!"

"No way!" Hunk fangirled along with him.

"Kill me now." Pidge rolled her eyes.

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