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Keith took a shaky deep breath and knocked on the door. His heart was climbing up his throat and banging on his ribs. He had planned the entire meeting; but as soon as the door opened, his mind went blank.

Lance's father gave him a bright smile, "Keith!" He leaned his arm against the corner of the door, "What can I do for you, son?" He leaned back to look at the stairs, "Lance isn't here right now, but–"

"That's not why I'm here." Keith had finally found his voice. He relaxed his jaw and brought his hands together, "Actually, I'm here to talk to you."

His eyes lit up, "Me?"

Keith nodded, keeping his eyes down.

Lance's father motioned a welcoming arm, "Well, come on in then!" He fussed over Keith as he shut the door and led him to the living room. "Would you like a coffee?"

Keith sat down and nodded, "That would be nice."

Two mugs were set on the coffee table. Lance's father sat down on the couch across from him and relaxed. He sighed and wiped his forehead, "Been working in the garage all day. Sorry for my appearance."

Keith waved his hands and flashed a smile, "That's totally fine!"

He reached forward and picked up his mug. He took a sip, "So what can I do for you?"

"Oh, uh–" Keith lowered his eyes and fiddled with his hands. "I," he trailed off, "I wanted to ask you something."


"Um," Keith took a deep breath and lifted his head. He refused to look weak when he asked. This moment was important. It was his entire future–the very reason he was alive. He gulped and ran his tongue over his lips. Keith locked eyes with him and spoke in a strong and stoic tone.

"Can I have take care of your son for the rest of his life?"

Lance's father let out a small gasp as his eyes widened. His mouth opened, but no sound would come out.

Keith continued his speech, "Lance is the most caring, beautiful, loving person I have ever met. He is selfless and kind." A warm smile appeared on Keith's face. "He likes to act like he has everything together, but he's scared. He's been beaten down and told he's worthless."

Keith locked eyes with him again, "But he's not. Nowhere near it. He's the very reason I'm living today. He's my entire world—my sun and moon and all the amazing constellations I see in his eyes. I want him to know just how much he means to me."

"I," Keith lifted his hands up to touch his chest, "I want to marry him."

Lance's father stared back at him. A tear fell down his cheek. He sniffled and wiped it off, "You want to marry my Lance?"

Keith leaned back in surprise. Had he said something wrong? "Yes."

Lance's father held his head in his hands. He murmured, "My precious Lance?"

Keith smiled and leaned over to place a hand on his shoulder. He uncovered his tear-stained face and looked up at him. Keith softened his eyes, "I love him."

Lance's father stood and maneuvered his way around the coffee table. He pulled Keith into a tight hug. His breath hitched, "You will make an amazing son-in-law."

And with that, Keith broke. Tears filled his eyes and streaked down his face. He clamped his eyes shut and hugged him back. He sniffled, "Thank you!"

Lance's father pulled away and grabbed his shoulders, "No. Thank you."

Keith wiped his cheeks, "I'm going to take Lance on a road trip. During the vacation, I'm going to propose." He let out a happy sob, "I love him so much."

Lance skipped into Keith's house chanting, "I know what I want! I know what I want! I know what I want!"

Keith laughed at him as he trotted over to the couch and jumped onto Keith's lap. He wore black Mary Janes, thigh highs, and crop top sweater with jean shorts. The weather was getting colder, so he had started wearing thicker clothing. Keith hadn't seen his winter outfits, so he wasn't sure what he had in store.

Lance wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed his forehead, "I know what I want."

Keith smiled at him and rubbed his back under the shirt, "What are you talking about?"

"A handfasting." His bright eyes sparkled as he stared down at him. A smile was painted across his joyful cheeks.

"What?" Keith chuckled, "Why would you want that?"

"Well," his eyes went to the ceiling in recollection, "I was thinking about the wedding and what I want to do." He brought a hand up to motion to Keith, "And I remembered you're pagan, so I was like, 'Hey I want that!'"

"But you're not pagan," Keith tilted his head. "You don't have to do that for me."

Lance pouted, "I want to!" He talked with his hands in a slight whine. "People get married in churches all the time and they aren't christian. And besides," Lance picked at Keith's jacket, "maybe it's time for me to have a little faith."

Keith looked at him with a surprised smile, "You're sure?"

Lance nodded, "Yeah. One hundred percent."

Keith leaned up to kiss him gently. Lance tightened his hold and smiled into it. They gradually pulled away, keeping their foreheads together. Keith kissed his nose, "I can't wait to marry you."

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