This Story is Gonna Tear Me Apart

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"Lance!" Andy ran into Lance's room with a smile on his face, which quickly dropped when he saw the suitcase on the bed.

"Hey Andy," Lance folded a shirt and tossed it into the bag. "What's up?"

He stared at the suitcase with a seething hatred and inched into the room. "Where are you going?"

"Oh," Lance shot him a smile, "I'm going to spend a couple days with Keith."

His eyes widened and he turned to tug on the sleeve of Lance's Hello Kitty sweater, "No! Don't go!"

Lance was taken aback by his actions. Andy was never like this. "Um, what–uh–what do you mean?"

"I don't want you to go!" Andy clamped his eyes shut and shook his head. "You're always with that guy! I never get to see you! I hate him!"

"Wait, what?" Lance placed his free hand on Andy's shoulder. "You hate Keith?" He leaned down to his level. "Why?"

Andy's face was full of anger and frustration. His eyes teared up a little, "He beat up Mark! Now he's stealing you away! I don't like him!"

Lance blinked in surprise. How had he not noticed that? He forgot to remember how close the three boys were–of course Andy would be upset. Lance never got to hang out with them since he was too weak. Never mind the fact that Mark didn't give a shit about him.

Lance pulled his arm out of Andy's grasp. "Andy," he crossed his arms and averted his gaze, "do you know what started that fight?"

Andy's face dropped in realization as he stared at his brother.

"Do you know what Mark said to me? To Keith?" Lance tried to keep himself from getting angry. He swallowed hard,  "Did you even see all the times Mark tossed me to the side like garbage?"

Andy shook his head in anger, "He's not like that! Mark is a good guy!"

"Is he?!" Lance locked eyes with him. "You think Keith isn't? Are you serious?" Lance threw a frustrated hand up, "Did you just choose to ignore his actions so you didn't lose your football buddy? Open your eyes!"

Andy pointed an accusatory finger at him, "You're just jealous of him!"

"Oh I am?" Lance waved his hands dramatically. "Honey, I'm way past jealous. I was jealous when I was sitting alone on the sidewalk while you three got to play together. I was jealous when Mama would give you guys hugs goodbye and not me." He tapped his chest, "The only thing I'm jealous of, Andy, is the fact that Mark gets to live longer."

"Mark doesn't hate you! You hated him first!"

Lance was infuriated. What lies has he been told. He crossed his arms and glared down at him. "Did he tell you that?! What are you? A child?! You're fourteen! Grow the fuck up and open your eyes! You really think I sought out a personal vendetta against my brother?"

Andy opened his mouth to counter, but couldn't find the words–much to his frustration.

Lance took a breath, "Andy, Mark used to hit me. Did you know that?"

His face dropped as his eyes widened. Lance waited until he shook his head.

Lance turned to fiddle with the clothes in the suitcase. "Mark is twenty-three. Which means we were in school together." He pulled on his sleeves, "When we were in high school, Mark used to let his friends have their way with me. The only rule was no sex–not like any of them wanted to."

Andy hesitantly shook his head, "You're lying."

Lance continued, "After we graduated, Mark did everything he could to keep me out of your guys' little posse. He'd lock me in closets or threaten to beat me up." Lance locked eyes with Andy, "He's not a nice guy."

Lance turned away and smiled, "But Keith is sweet. He knows everything about my situation and doesn't care. He wants to make me happy and give me everything." Lance looked back to Andy, making sure he understood. "That's a good guy." He picked up more of his clothes and packed them in the suitcase, "He's going to be my husband. I hope you guys get along because you're a great kid, and he wants you guys to like him."

"Lance?" Andy's voice was low and pitiful.

Lance sighed, "Yes, Andy?"

He locked eyes with Lance and clenched his fists. "I hate you." He stomped out of the room and slammed the door.

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