You're in My Castle Now, Bitch.

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Lance was pulled from his sleep by Keith's singsong voice. He opened his eyes slightly and stretched his arms up. "Good morning."

Keith leaned down and kissed him, "Good morning."

Lance looked at him for a second, then the room to process his surroundings. It took him a moment to remember where he was. When he did, he stared at Keith with playful eyes.

He gave him a confused chuckle, "What?"

In one swift motion, Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's neck and pulled him into the sea of fluffy bedding. He laughed and let go when Keith was successfully lying beside him. Sunlight lit up the room from the large window, casting a healthy glow onto Keith's skin.

"Now, why'd you go and do that?"

Lance smiled at him from his pillow. "Because I missed you."

Keith's face softened and he lifted a hand up to Lance's cheek. His eyes drifted up above his face, "Your hair is so cute."


"You have bedhead and it's adorable."

Lance shot up attempted to smooth his hair down as Keith laughed at him. "It's not funny!"

Keith sat up and wrapped his arms around him. "Take your shower, get dressed, and don't forget your tiara. The drive is only an hour."

Lance got up from the bed and walked toward the hall to the bathroom. Before he exited, he paused and turned back to look at Keith—who was still wrapped in the blanket. "You're not gonna join me?"

Keith's face dropped and he blushed wildly, "I—uh—"

Lance laughed at his embarrassment, "I'm just joking!" He walked out, "You're so cute!"

Lance insisted they get Starbucks for breakfast, so Keith stopped on the way. Lance kicked off his cat-freckled light boots and slid his pink socks onto Keith's lap. Keith picked his outfit—white thigh-highs, powder blue high waisted shorts, and a baby pink Hello Kitty shirt. He picked at his chocolate croissant as he adjusted the radio. Keith rubbed his calf, "You wanna help me out?"

Lance tore off a piece of his pastry and fed it to him. "So," he licked the chocolate from his thumb, "can you tell me where we are going now?"

"Just be patient." He flashed him a bright smile. He had his hair up in a ponytail and sunglasses sat on his head. His black t-shirt framed his shoulders perfectly. "It's only twenty more minutes."

Lance eyed the stone sign that welcomed them. You will be seeing unusual accomplishment. The sun shone down on them, but Lance didn't mind it too much. The sky was cloudy, so he wasn't always in the heat. A stone doorway labeled Entrance directed them in. To compliment it, a short stone wall looped around the grounds. The entirety of it was open to the Florida air. "Keith," he raised an eyebrow, "what is this?"

He leaned over and pulled him by the hand, "Coral Castle." He laughed as he led him by the wrist, "Come on!"

The first thing Lance noticed when he stepped in was a large stone crescent moon. It sat higher than the rest of the rock furniture. Various small "gardens" were framed in by stone pockets; the rest of the floor was a red dirt. Lance found it cute how excited Keith was for him to see it. He pulled him along to a medium-sized stone toward the back. Lance pulled his hand away to cover his smiling mouth, "Aww! It's a little heart!"

Keith patted the point of it, "Come sit."

A large plant sat on top of it, so Lance had to sit right on the edge. Keith held the tiara up to his chest and stood back to admire Lance. "Do you know what this one is called?"

It took him a second to realize he expected an answer. Lance shook his head.

Keith leaned forward slightly for emphasis, "Feast of Love Table." He shook his head in excitement, "Ain't that cute as hell?"

Lance held on to the sides with his hands and leaned toward him, "Sounds like a euphemism for sex."

Keith pointed at him, moving the tiara to one hand. "Exactly." He laughed to collect himself, then walked forward. "Now we are in a castle, but," he stoically placed the crown on Lance's head, "It needed a King."

A smile lit up his face and a laugh escaped his chest, "Oh my god, you are so cheesy!" Lance jumped up and brought his arms around Keith's neck, "But I love it."

Keith rested his hands on Lance's hips and kissed him sweetly. They didn't stay that way very long, as a few kids laughed and gagged at them. Lance pulled away to giggle at the children, then took Keith's hand. "Show me around the castle, my Prince."

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