Sometimes, Stars Fall From the Sky

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"Alright," Keith opened the car door and stepped out into the night air.

Lance got out of the car and gave him a skeptical look. "Is there a reason we are at a beach at night?" The smell of salt permeated the air.

Keith's hair swayed in the wind; his eyes glowed in the moonlight. "This is a special beach." He walked around the car and held out a hand.

Lance took it and laced their fingers together. He wore his swim trunks and a pink sweater, while Keith stayed in jeans and a band t-shirt. Lance watched his feet on the sand as he walked.

Keith squeezed his hand, "Look."

Lance lifted his head to see the water. The small waves glowed with blue stars. Along the shore crashed clouds of turquoise sparkles. They looked like they held their own galaxies within the waters. "Keith, what is this?"

He led Lance up to the water and waved his hand through it. The same glowing blue followed the movement. He looked up to Lance, "It's a glowing beach."

It looked like the beach had stolen the stars and brought them down to Earth. Keith stood and took Lance's hands, "I know you can't swim in it and we can't stay long, but I just wanted you to see it."

Lance scanned the glow again, "This is incredible." He shook his head in disbelief, "I didn't even know this existed."

Keith kicked off his shoes and socks then held out a hand. "Walk along the beach with me?"

With every step, the shore lit up to follow. Like blue fairy dust, it shimmered in the dark. Lance kicked up the water with an amazed laugh and watched the light.

Keith gave him a warm smile, "I brought you here because it was the closest comparison to what I see when I look in your eyes."

Lance's heart jumped and he stopped walking. His face dropped as he brought a hand to his chest. "You," he shook his head in amazement, "you are the cheesiest most spontaneous person in the world. You know that, right?"

He shrugged, "I try."

Lance opened his mouth to speak, but stopped. He stared into Keith's eyes with hope. For almost a year, they had been together. In that short time, Keith had given him a lifetime. It was so much more than Lance believed he deserved.

Lance stepped forward to nuzzle his head into the side of Keith's neck. He intertwined their fingers and took a deep breath. "I love you."

Keith's chest resonated with a chuckle, "You finally said it."

"I've said it before, just in different ways."

"You wanna kick the water around some more?"


They spent their time jumping into and running through the glowing blue. Keith even skipped rocks over the water to create little dots. To Lance, it had been a fairytale. The whole trip was a bedtime story. He kept waiting to wake up and be pulled back into reality, but he never did. He wanted to stay–whether or not any of it was real.

"Goodnight, Lance." Keith gave him a small kiss before letting him return to the bedroom.

Lance stepped backward slowly, letting their hands gradually come apart and their fingertips reach for each other. "Goodnight."

Lance stopped in the doorway and watched Keith lie down on the couch and pull the blanket over himself. When he was comfortable, Lance continued to his room. He shut the door and leaned his back against it. His heart pounded and his hands shook. Waves of emotion pumped through his veins and clouded his head. "Don't do it Lance," he whispered to himself.

He stood and gathered himself with a deep breath. "Okay, okay. Just go to bed." Lance climbed into the bed and wrapped himself up tightly in the blankets. He lied there for a moment, then readjusted. Then rolled over. Then switched positions.

Lance stared at the bedroom door as his heart hammered against his rib cage. "Don't do it Lance."

He continued to stare at the door for a few moments in frustration. Biting his lip, he turned the other way. After a few seconds, he turned back. Lance stuffed his face into his pillow and groaned in frustration. Then, he threw the blankets off and jumped out of bed. He ran through the hall and slipped into the living room.


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