Bets (Part 1)

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Alexander Hamilton and his adoptive parents, George and Martha Washington, had out of nowhere moved out of the busy streets of New York City, to a more quiet location uptown. Alex was furious with his parents, he wanted nothing more than to stay at his old school with his friends. But no, his stupid adoptive father had decided that moving to a town in the middle of nowhere was a fan-fucking-tastic idea. Well, for all Alex cared, which was very little, George could go fuck himself. 

And of course, a new town meant a new school. His first school day went by relatively normally until lunch time. He was just minding his business, trying to stay under the radar and eat his lunch, when he saw some guy trying to unsuccessfully tell off another dude who was flirting with him.

Alex stood up and shoved the guy who was flirting away from the other guy, whom Alex did not know the name of. "Look, he said no. I don't know what that word means in your fucked up perception of the English language, but in mine, it means to 'get the fuck away and leave me alone.'"

The flirtatious man looked like he'd been punched, which he probably had been pride-wise; I mean, imagine being told off by some new kid who was half your height, embarrassing.

Alex turned around to walk away when he was hugged by the guy he'd saved from the flirting asshole. Alex heard a very thick French accent, which he assumed to be coming from the guy he saved from awful flirting. "Oh thank you mon ami! That was Charles Lee, he's always flirting with me and I can never get him to stop. I am Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier De Lafayette, Marquis De Lafayette. Though most people just call me Lafayette."

Alex pulled out of Lafayette's hug and turned to face him. He had to crane his neck to look up at Lafayette due to his lack of height. "Well, I'm Alexander Hamilton. I'm new here if you couldn't tell and um, you're welcome?" He eloquently responded with a small smile up towards Lafayette.

The two walked towards the table Alex had been sitting at previously, talking like long lost BFFs. Meanwhile unbeknownst to the duo of newly found friends, they were being watched. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison watched the boys with interest.

"Wanna make a bet on the new kid?" Madison asked with little genuine interest.

Thomas frowned and propped his arm up on his shorter best friends' head, "I dunno Maddy, this guy seems... Different". Madison shoved Thomas' arm off of his head and looked up at him like he had two heads.

"Are you kidding me, man? You never back down from a bet, why are you being such a pussy?" Asked Madison incredulously. Thomas rubbed the back of his head awkwardly before giving in to peer pressure.
      "Alright, you're right. What are the stakes?" The two boys discussed whatever the hell it was that they were talking about while Lafayette and Alex got to know each other better.

      "... and that's pretty much my life story." Alex finished with a smile, having just recounted a summary of his entire life. Lafayette was staring at him with a wide open mouth, unable to believe that he could recount such traumatizing events with so much nonchalance.

"Wow um- ok. Your life makes my life seem like a how you say, walk throughout a park?" Alex chuckled lightly at Lafayette's poor understanding of English metaphors. He nodded with a small smile, glad he'd found a friend in this person.

There was a peaceful silence between the two, almost as if they were treasuring their new friendship. Then Jefferson came over and ruined the peace. He slammed his hands down in front of Alex's face and got way too close for Alex's comfort.

Alexander shoved Thomas away with a savage remark on the tongue. He opened his mouth to say something but was quickly shushed by a smirking Thomas. "I, am Thomas Jefferson. I just wanted to personally thank you for chasing that creep away from my twin. As a thank you favor, how about I take you on a date?" He said with his suave Virginian accent. Alex regarded him with disinterest and distaste and yawned out in response, "Nah. You're not my type and even if you were, I'm not looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend at this point in my life. I just wanna focus on my studies and think about relationships later."

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