Bets (Part 2) (Undinished)

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The rest of the week flashed by in a blur, nothing eventful happening. Alexander experienced every day in what could be described as fast forward mode as the days changed, the surreal feeling fading as soon as Friday slammed open the doors and popped up out of nowhere.

The actual school day was, like the rest of the week, uneventful and boring. But instead of the day seeming to fly by like speeding cars along an empty highway, it seemed to pass by impossibly slowly. The clock even seemed to move backward at times, though that was only Alex's current perception of time and impatience tricking his mind.

As soon as the bell for his last class of the day rang he practically bolted out of his class and to his locker. Waiting at his locker, which had become a thing for him to look forward to at the end of the school day, was the French legend himself, Lafayette.

Alex ignored him as he opened his locker to grab his backpack. He only gave the Frenchman the attention he wanted when he was surprised by a sharp jab in his ribs. "Ey! What gives?" Alex turned to glare at the Frenchman who was looking back at him innocently.

"Finally! You've been ignoring me all day mon ami," Lafayette pouted with his arms crossed as he continued, "What is wrong? Are you worried about the date? Because if so, don't. You'll be fine mon petit lion." Lafayette's thick French accent was laced with concern along with his expression.

Alex winced from the concern in his friend's voice alone, he hated worrying people, especially his friends. He stood on his tippy toes to pat his much taller friend on the shoulder and smiled to show him he was fine.

"It-It's fine Laf. I guess you may be right about the date thing it's just," Alex paused and frowned. He was definitely stressing about the whole date thing. He knew it was, as Laf said, baseless and stupid, but he was still worried. "I don't know. I'm just, anxious I guess. I've never gone on a date before Laf, and this is terrifying me. What if he doesn't like the way I look? Why do I even care about this? I don't even like him and-". Laf cut Alex's long-winded rant off by pressing his finger against the Carribean man's lips.

Lafayette then turned Alex's head up to face his own. He stared directly into his eyes as he scolded and comforted him in a motherly manner, "look, you just need to calm down mon ami. You are going to look fabulous and I'd he can't see that, just text me and I'll beat him up when he gets home. And don't worry about this being your first date, I say that every date is like a first date because each one is a new experience. And I think you might have some feelings for mon frère, non? The way you stress about this mon petit lion, shows me that you care about how he thinks of you, which means you want to impress him, which means you feel at least the tiniest bit of attraction towards him. So don't fret mon ami, everything will be fine." And with those words of wisdom, Lafayette walked away, leaving Alex to contemplate everything he had just been told.

~Four and a Half Hours Later~

Alex and Lafayette were once again in Alex's room. Lafayette was chilling on Alex's bed, watching as Alex paced from one side of the room to the other anxiously. He was wearing the dress that he and Lafayette had picked out earlier in the week along with a pair of heels, donated to the 'cause' by Lafayette, to keep the dress from dragging on the floor. His hair was up in a messy bun and he had a touch of makeup on, both Lafayette's workings.

Lafayette watched Alex pace the room one more time with intense boredom before he jumped off of the bed and stood in the way of his friend's pacing. "Calm down," Lafayette ordered in a motherly tone. "I'm tired of watching you pace back and forth. Just go to the restaurant and knock my brothers socks off!"

Alex stared at Lafayette before hesitantly nodding in agreement. "You're right Laffy... But I don't have a car or know how to drive a car, so I can't really get ther-"

"Shhhpt-!" Lafayette commanded, placing his finger against Alex's lips to shush him. "Look mon ami, I have a car that I know how to drive. I'll drive you there."

~Le Magical Time Skip to the Restaurant~


AAAAAAAND that's the end. I'm sorry, this is all I got to write and all that I will write.

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