Super Fluff (Thomington)

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⚠️Warning, incredibly Fluffy⚠️
Thomas' POV

I looked down at my side, which was bleeding out rather quickly. I marveled at the bright red substance, which was quickly leaving my body. I coughed out more blood bitterly in an attempt to laugh. The pain was so unbearable, I felt like someone was stabbing me repeatedly, even though they weren't anymore.

I thought back to how I got here, on the ground, alone and bleeding out. It was stupid really, I was walking home from work when I got jumped in an alleyway. They pinned me down and hit me on the head pretty hard so I couldn't fight back as they stabbed me in the side repeatedly. I wonder why they chose to kill me, I'm not important enough to be killed.

Haha, I'm going to die in the middle of nowhere, and no one will know. I don't know how long dying will take me, I've never tried to before. It's so lonely out here, why is the city so empty??

"So, this is it huh? I'm just going to die out here? Alone?!" I shouted into the emptiness, wishing for someone to come and break my loneliness. I didn't care who, hell, I'd even welcome Hamilton at this point, I just didn't want to be alone.

I saw a figure in the distance and I felt a surge of hope. I cracked a small smile, despite my immense pain and called out in a hoarse voice "Over here! Whoever it is, please!" The figure turned around upon hearing my voice and ran towards me. I felt my breath catch in my throat as they got closer, the figure was none other than my boss, George Washington.

Upon seeing me in my bleeding state I heard a gasp as he rushed to my side. He sat down by my slumped form and began trying to figure out where the blood was coming from. I couldn't see his face, my vision was blurred by the blood loss, but I could guess that his expression was frantic and scared.

"H-here," I coughed and pointed to where I'd been stabbed repeatedly. He quickly moved to the other side of me and struggled to take my shirt off. I assume that he's trying to treat the wound, which I found funny. It's too late to save me. After a minute of struggling with the fabric, he throws my blood soaked shirt away from us and I hear him gasp loudly.

I look down to my side and feel slightly nauseous at the sight. My side doesn't really exist anymore. There are small chunks of skin poking out of the mess of blood and I think I can see some of my organs. God, how the fuck am I still conscious?

"No no no no no no... this is bad... Thomas... I can't..." Washington seemed to be mumbling to himself. I frown slightly and reach up a shaking arm and rest my hand on his face.

I move my thumb under where I can only assume his eye is and wipe away his tears. "Shhh..." I manage to cough out as I weakly caress his face. He began crying harder as he collapsed onto my chest and began sobbing into it, which confused me. I'm the one dying, not him. Why is he so upset? "Hey, it's ok..." I tried to soothe him ineffectively.

He leaped up from where he was sobbing and shook his head, denying what I'd just said. "No! It's not ok! None of this is ok Thomas! There's so much I wanted to tell you... and now- now I can't... you're going to die before you could even have a life... before WE could have a life-" after the last statement he seemed to realize what he said and his hands flew to cover his mouth. "I-I mean...." he looked down with a frown and avoided looking at my face.

"George? What did you mean by that last statement?" I cautiously questioned, my heart beating faster.

"I... I love you, Thomas! I can't... we were supposed to have a life together..." George looked up as he confessed his feelings to me, his face painted with grief.

"George I- I love you too..." I whispered reaching out my weak arms to him, which I used to pull him into an embrace. He wrapped an arm around me, careful to avoid my side which was bleeding out. "George... I'm dying... please, I don't have a lot of time left... so please... could you... c-could you kiss me?" I weakly asked, already feeling my body shutting down.

George looked up at me and nodded before leaning in and pressing his lips against mine. His lips were soft and delicate, exactly how I'd always imagined them being. His lips were the last thing I felt before everything went dark.

3rd POV

George pulled away and whispered gently "Was that good?" But Thomas didn't respond. George's smile fell and he began shaking Thomas, calling out his name and begging for him to wake up. But Thomas was dead, and he was never coming back.

//854 Words
So, I lied. This was not fluffy.

A little fun fact about this one:

It was originally written with my friend's OC and a creepypasta character they ship them with.

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