Death is in the Future

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James (Reynolds) POV

I stood up as the bell rang to excuse us from class. I was about to walk out the door when I heard my teacher call my name. "James? Could you stay a minute?" I groaned in annoyance and walked to the back of the classroom where Mr. Hamilton's desk was.

"Is there a reason you wanted to see me?" I asked sarcastically. I just wanted to be out of here and head to my next class. ELA was literally the worst class I had the displeasure of being forced to take.

Mr. Hamilton cleared his throat and pushed forward a slip of paper "Your most recent creative writing paper, the past and future prompt, was quite... Concerning. Is there anything going on in your life that you want to talk about?"

Ok, now I was confused. I forgot what I wrote for that paper as soon as I handed it in so... So I responded with the ever so eloquent "Huh?"

He looked me in the eyes and then began reading aloud from the piece of paper "'But the thing I'm looking forward to most in my future, is death. Death is the only thing everyone knows for certain is in their future. And to be quite frank, I hope that future comes soon for me.'" He looked up from the paper with concern and I averted my gaze to the floor as he continued, "Are you sure there's nothing you want to talk about?"

Well, he's persistent, I'll give him that. But I'm a master in the art of running away, and that's exactly what I did. I ran out of his class and bolted home.

//281 Words
Well, this sucked

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